Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2025
April 14
17:30 A keynote lecture entitled "Geopolitical Changes and Their Implications for Sustainable Economic Development" presented to the 14th edition of Polish Economic Forum organized by the London School of Economics SU Polish Business Society. The topic of this year forum is "The Next Chapter: Unlocking Poland's Economic and Political Potential". (event for registers participants)
March 10
15:00 Kozminski University is hosting students from the best schools of busienss (including Yale, Berkeley, UBC Sauder, ESMT Berlin) in a week-long course entitled Business Model Innovation in a Transition Economy: Insights from Poland". Direcor of TIGER, professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presents a lectue on “The Success of Poland's Economic Transformation: Can It Hold?” The venue takes place at Kozminski University in Warsaw (for invited guests)
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2024
September 27
20:00 Lecture on “Money and social well-being” during the gala dinner at the end of the international conference organized by the National Bank of Poland on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Bank of Poland (for invited guests only)
May 30
14:00 Speech at the conference on “China and the World in the New Era”. The event is organized by the Renmin University and CGTN. Venue: North Hall of the Century Hall, Renmin University of China
Harbin, China
April 29
10:00 Lecture on "Geopolitical Changes and Their Implications for Economic Development” at the Harbin University. Venue: Room 903, Social Sciences Building, Discipline Center, Slavic Languages Institute.
April 26
9:00 Keynote speech on “The global significance of China-EU Relations” presented to the High-level Symposium "China-EU Relations in a Changing World" organized by China Association of Social Sciences.
March 9
14:30 Panel debate on “Policy Crossroads: Rethinking Macroeconomic Strategies for Poland’s Sustained Economic Growth” at the conference “35 Years of Growth: Navigating the Economic Transformation” organized by the Polish Economic Forum at London School of Economics.
February 21
10:30 Keynote speech on “Complexity of Economic Development” at the 2tth Eurasian Economic Summit “To Forge Path From Crisis to Stability”
January 29
18:00 “Some Reflections on Geopolitics and Development”, speech at the Special Jubilee Scientific Conference on “Geopolitical Changes and Their Consequences for Economic Development”, Kozminski University.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2023
Hangzhou, China
December 9
9:30 (Chinese time) Lecture on "China and Geopolitical Changes: Implications for Economic Development" for the students and faculty of the Zhejiang Financial College
14:30 Exchange with the students on the topic of history and culture of Poland (Shany College, Tilong Building)
Yiwu, China
December 8
9:00 (Chinese time) Keynote speech on “A New Breakthrough in the Cooperation of International Trade” at The Third Silk Road Economic Belt Cities International Forum 2023: High-Quality Silk Road Cooperation: A New Era for Global Commerce
New Delhi
December 2
14:00 (Indian time) Lecture on “Geopolitical Changes and their Implications for Economic Development” at the India Institute of Finance International Research Conference (online)
October 26
Speech on “The Inclusive Globalization or Second Cold War?” presented to the session on “Diversity of Civilizations and a Harmonious World” during the international conference on “Global Opportunities and Challenges: Seeking for Certainties in an Uncertain World” hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Hydra, Greece
September 29-30
Speech on “Is the transatlantic relationship the big elephant in the room? And what is China?” presented to the 17th European Seminar on “Europe in a Rapidly Changing World: Thinking Out of the Box” organized by ELIAMEP, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (for invited participants).
September 28
Panelist in conference organized by the China Global Television Network, CGTN. The event, featuring the cooperation and opportunities between China and Europe, will gather distinguished representatives from both Europe and China, and will be broadcast on CGTN homepage, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Weibo.
New York
September 18
Comments on the implications of the new pragmatism for socio-economic policy at the "Let's talk about capitalism - and society too" conference organized by the Center for Capitalism and Society at Columbia University (for registered participants only).
July 7
10:00 Lecture on “New Pragmatism as a Response to the Irreversibility of Globalization” delivered at the Chongqing Jiaotong University.
July 5
10:00 Keynote speech at the opening session of the International Conference “China and the World: Towards Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind” organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
May 15
12:10 Paper on "Contemporary social and political mega-crisis and the goals of economics" presented at the CEU DI-Corvinus-Harvard Symposium “János Kornai’s Holistic Political Economy” at the Corvinus University.
May 8
17:15 Lecture on „The Second Cold War and Its Implications for the European Integration” presented during the European Union Week 2023 at Kozminski University.
March 14
15:00 Keynote speech on “The New World Order” presented at the 2th Eurasian Economic Summit organized by the Marmara Group Foundation.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2022
September 20
10:00 As part of their international activities, the representatives of the Algerian Confederation of Employers, CAP, under the chairmanship of Mr. Abdelkader Benahmed, co-organize with the Polish Embassy in Algeria a high-level conference led by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko who speaks on the theme: “Political Economy of Wars and Peace”. The event takes place at Hotel Ferdi Lilly – Ben Aknoun in Algiers.
July 5
10:00 Keynote speech on global affairs at the opening session of the Seventh Global Think Tank Summit organized by the China Center International Economic Exchanges (online).
June 9
9:30 Keynote speech on „The New Pragmatism as a Response for Global Development Challenges” at the Regeneration Congress organized by the Polish Economics Network at the Kozminski University.
June 7-8
Speech on the global challenges presented at the 25th Eurasian Economic Summit on the post-COVID-19 economy, democracy and technology problems as well as the environment, climate, the importance of gender equality in development of countries.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2021
December 1-3
Keynote speech on the “Irreversibility globalization in the post-pandemic world” at the Economic Forum organized by Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). The objective of the Forum is to provide participants with the opportunity to share insights about key challenges to the global economic growth, high technology oriented production ecosystem, digital transformation of the economy, green economy and sustainable development, social business, economic challenges of the post-pandemic era and the post-pandemic business transformation.
October 7-8
Speech on globalization in the post-pandemic world at the Kyiv International Economic Forum. (for registered participants)
Beijing (online)
July 30
15:00 (CET) Keynote speech on "New Pragmatism, Chinism & Irreversibility of Globalization" at Renmin University2021 Summer Macro Situation Forum "Prospects for China's Economic Growth in the Post-Pandemic Era"
Istanbul (online)
July 7-9
Video-speech on the global challenges presented at the 24th Eurasian Economic Summit: “A philosophy of nearly a quarter-century. Humanity Deserves Better” (
New Delhi
January 29
5:30 (CET) The Chief Guest Address at IIF International Research Conference & Award Summit (IIF-IRCAS 2021). The title of the speech: “The Governance of Globalization in the 21st Century”. The online event is hosted by the at Indian Institute of Finance. (You are welcome to join the event: Zoom Meeting Link; Meeting ID: 999-932-1585; No Password0
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2020
October 29
10:00 Keynote speech at the opening session (online) of the conference on “Socio-Economic Dimensions of European Integration Processes” organized by the Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers of European Integration, APREI ( The topic of the speech: “Economics and Politics in the Post-Pandemic World”.
October 24
13:00 (CET) Keynote speech on “China and the Future of Globalization” at the international conference on “The Dynamics of the US Dollar and Great Changes of the World” organized by the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China.
New Delhi
September 29
6:30 (CET) Guest of Honour Address at IIF International Research Conference & Award Summit (IIF-IRCAS 2020). The title of the speech: “Economics and Politics in the Post-Pandemic World”. The event is hosted by the at Indian Institute of Finance in New Delhi.
September 23
17:00 (CET) Talk on "Economics and Politics in the Post-Pandemic World" at the TWIN Tech 2020 Annual Conference organized by the World Innovation Network. (for registered participants only)
September 23
10:00 (CET) Keynote speech on “Globalization and Chinism” at The Sixth Global Think Tank Summit organized by the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE In the opening session also participate: Fukuda Yasuo, Former Prime Minster of Japan, Goh Chok Tong, Emeritus Senior Minister, Republic of Singapore, Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Former Prime Minister of France and Liu Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General of United Nations. (for registered participants only)
February 24
18:00 As part of the series "Meet in Mitte" a special lecture at the Research Institute for Dialogue of Civilizations. The title of the speech is „Chinism and the Future of Globalization“. The meeting takes place in the DOC-RI conference room at Französische Strasse 23 in Berlin.
January 22
9:30 Economic Forum in Davos. This time a keynote speech at the Belt and Road Forum hosted by the Tsinguha University of Beijing.
January 15-16
Debate at the Gaidar Forum in Moscow. This time the topic of the gathering is “Russia and the World. Challenges of the New Decade”. The event is hosted by The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2019
December 21
14:00 Beijing Normal University; the presentation of new book called “Zhong guo neng fou zheng jiu shi jie?” („Will China Save the World?”), has been issued by the Encyclopedia of China Publishing House.
December 18
9:00 eynote speech on “Globalization and Chinism” at the Jingshi Belt and Road Forum 2019 (Jointly Promoting High-Quality Belt and Road Cooperation) hoisted by the Beijing Normal University, at the Zhuhai campus.
December 16
9:00 Keynote speech on "China's Economic Development and Its Implications for Inclusive Globalization" at the International Symposium on “China and the World in the New Era” organized by the Renmin University.
Beijing and Zhuhai
December 12-22
Director of TIGER again in the Middle Kingdom. This time with a series of lectures entitled "The Leadership at the Era of Rebalancing Globalization" presented at the Normal University in Beijing (12-15.XII) and on its new campus in Zhuhai (16-20.XII). In the final phase of the stay Professor Kolodko, who is the Distinguished Professor of Emerging Markets Institute of the host university, presents a new book, this time about China, in Chinese.
December 5
10:00 Keynote speech on „Rebalancing Globalization: In Quest of a New World Economic Order” at the international conference on "Beyond Europe: Toward a New Global Order" hosted by the Adam Mickiewicz University.
Austin, Texas
November 10-12
At the invitation of Professor James K. Galbraith, director of TIGER participates in the panel debates on “The New Deal in the United States" and "Next Steps Toward a New New Deal" at the conference on "New Deals in Europe and America" held at the University of Texas. The event is hosted by the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.
November 8-9
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko participates in the Economic Forum in Kiev. This time the event takes place under the slogan "Creating the Future in a Changing World".
November 5-6
Paper on “China and the Rebalancing of Globalization” presented to the high-level international symposium “China's 70-Year Development and the Construction of the Community With a Shared Future for Mankind” held during the Second China International Import Expo.
Shijiazhuang, Heibei Province, China
October 12
9:30 While visiting China, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presents a lecture on "The New Pragmatism and the Rebalancing of Globalization" at the Hebei University of Science and Technology in Shijiazhuang.
Shijiazhuang, Heibei Province, China
October 11
"Irrevesibility of Globalization in the Digital Age" is the title of the keynote speech delivered by Professor G. W. Kolodko during the China International Digital Economy Expo (CIDEE) 2019. The new book by G. W. Kolodko, "China and the Future of Globalization: The Political Economy of China’s Rise", is going to be released soon.
New York
October 7
At the invitation of Professor Edmund Phelps, the Nobel laureate in the economic sciences, Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko takes part in a conference on the subject of "Progressivism, Socialism, Nationalism". The conference is organize by the Center on Capitalism and Society of Columbia University.
September 17-19
The TWIN Global 2019 meeting in Chicago. During the conference with the participation of intellectuals, political leaders, entrepreneurs, managers and innovators, the challenges faced by the global economy and civilization are discussed.
St. Petersburg
May 23
9:00 Speech on “Economy and Security, or Cold War Two” presented at the XIX International Likhachev Scientific Conference, on the subject of “Global Development: Challenges of Predictability and Manageability”, hosted by the St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
May 16
9:15 Keynote speech on “Poland, Europe and the World – After the Crisis or Before the Next One?” at the opening session of the 14th European Research Seminar (ERS) on Logistics and SCM. The event, which occurs at the Conference Center POLIN in the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, is hosted by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (SCSMP), Kozminski University Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), and University of Economics in Katowice. (for the registered participants only)
April 17-19
At the invitation of the Rector of the University of Finance in Moscow, prof. Mikhail Eskindarov, director of TIGER gives a 12-hour lecture series entitled "Globalization, Crisis and What Next: Neoliberalism, New Nationalism or New Pragmatism?" Professor Kołodko is the Doctor Honoris Causa of the university, who is celebrating its 100th anniversary.
(for the registered UF students only)
March 28
9:50 The title of Doctor Honoris Causa has been awarded by the University of Corvinus in Budapest in recognition of outstanding scientific achievements. On this occasion, I give a lecture entitled "Whither the World: Neoliberalism, New Nationalism or New Pragmatism?"
January 23-25
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko participates in the World Economic Forum. He speaks about the Chinese challenges to the global economy.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2018
January 17
11:00 Seminar on "Globalization, Crisis and What Next?" for the PhD students at the Corvinus University
January 18
14:00 Paper on "Socialism or Capitalism? Tertium
Datur" presented presented at the international conference dedicated to
90th birthday of Janos Kornai on “Comparative Economics and Economic
Systems – the impact of Janos Kornai thoughts”. Venue: Corvinus
University of Budapest, Fovam Sq. 8 III Auditorium
January 19
10:30 Public lecture on “The New Pragmatism: Economics and Economic Policy for the Future” at the Corvinus University of Budapest.
February 28
11:30 “The Economics and Politics of Belt and Road Initiative: A Case of 16+1 Initiative”, introductory lecture to the session at the international conference on “Sustainable economic development, stability and security in Central Asia a midst geopolitical and geoeconomic change” held at the Corvinus University.
March 24
17:00 Wykład pt. „Polska, Europa, świat - po kryzysie czy przed?” dla członków Polish City Club Paris. Spotkanie odbywa się w Auli Stacji Naukowej PAN, 74 Rue Lauriston, 75116 Paris (for registered participants only)
April 3
10:00 Keynote speech on “New Pragmatism” at the opening plenary session of the Moscow Economic Forum. Venue: Lomonosov University
May 2-5
Series of 10 hours lecture on “The Leadership at the Era of Transformation of Globalization” for the post-graduate international students at Beijing Normal University.
St. Petersburg
May 18
9:00 Paper on “Chinese Economy at the Era of Globalization” presented to the XXVIII International Likhachov Scientific Conference on “Global World: Systemic Changes, Challenges and Profiles of the Future” at the St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences
Bejing, China
June 16
9:00 Keynote speech on “Inclusive Globalization” at The Third Annual China Global Think Tank Innovation Forum
St. Petersburg
September 1
12:15 "Whither the World: Neoliberalism, New Nationalism or New Pragmatism?", lecture (in Russian) presented at the opening ceremony of the new academic year at the University of Humanities and Social.
New York
September 17
9:30 The conference on “The Economic Consequences of Mr. Trump: Jobs, Wages, Trade, Growth, Health and Satisfaction”. The event is hosted by Professor Edmund Phelps, the Winner of Nobel Prize in Economics, and Director of the Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University. (for registered participants only)
September 26
9:00 Panel on innovation and culture changes with Mr. Esko Aho, the former Finland's Prime Minister, at the The World Innovation Network, TWIN, meeting on “HORIZONS Re-Envisioning Business, Society & Self in the 21st Century”. The event takes place in Chicago's iconic Merchandise Mart and Museum of Contemporary Art. (for registered participants only)
September 28
13:00 Panel debate entitled "Is China the Most Powerful Country in the World?" at the 8th Edition of the European Forum for New Ideas, EFNI. (for registered participants only)
October 8
15:00 The laudation presenting the scientific achievements of Professor Edward C. Prescott, the Nobel Laureate in Economics, on the occasion of awarding him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of Kozminski University. The event occurs during the ceremony of inauguration of new academic year.
October 9
9:15 Debate on the subject of "Geopolitical Changes and Implications for the Future Development and Management Education" with Tomas Sedlacek, Chief Macroeconomic Strategist at ČSOB, at the EFMD GN Annual Conference for Central and Eastern Europe. The event, under the slogan "One Europe One World?", occurs at Kozminski University on the occasion of 25th anniversary of university. (for registered participants only)
October 17
12:30 Panel discussion on The Future of Competitiveness: Corporations, Cities, Countries" at the Kiev Economic Forum, which this year is held under the slogan "Creating the Future in a High-Tech World". (for registered participants only)
October 29 - November 4
An 18-hours series of lectures on "Leadership at the New Era of Globalization" at the Beijing Normal University. The lecture is addressed to a group of several dozen postgraduate students from more than 40 countries.
November 5
Hongqiao International Business Media & Think Tank Forum, hosted by the State Council Information Office of China, in National Exhibition and Convention Center, on the opening day of the first China International Import Expo (CIIE). (by invitation only)
Wuhan, China
November 24-25
“Chinese Economy at the Era of Globalization”, paper presented to the East Lake Forum on Global Governance on “The International Symposium on Human Destiny Community and Global Governance”. The Forum is co-hosted by the Institute of State Governance of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). Professor G. W. Kolodko is a Visiting Professor at HUST.
Wuhan, China
November 26
19:00 Lecture on „Will China Save the World?” at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
December 5
14:30 Lecture on „Globalization, Crisis and What Next: Neoliberalism, New Nationalism or New Pragmatism?” at the invitation of IDRI, the Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs of the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event takes place at the Auditorium in the Foreign Affairs Ministry. (by invitation only)
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2017
January 12
15:30 I
take a part in the panel debate on “Russia’s Financial Institutions:
Quality and Quidity” at the Gaidar Forum 2017. The event occurs in The
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public
Administration, 82 Vernadskogo Prospekt, Moscow. Building 5, 2nd Floor,
Room 222
(for registered participants only)
January 23
15:00 “Poland, Europe and the Word: After Crisis or Before the Next One” – such is the title of my public lecture presented in Ottawa at the invitation of Department of Political Sciences at Carleton University. The event takes place in the Alumni Boardroom, 608 Roberson Hall.
Dakhla, Western Sahara – Casablanca, Morocco
March 16-21
Participation in the 2017 Crans Montana Forum
on „Africa
and the South-South Co-operation”.
(for registered participants only)
March 30-31
the invitation of Academician Ruslan Grinberg, I participate in the
panel debate at the plenary session of the 5th Annual Moscow Economic
Forum. At the event, which takes place at the Lomonosov Moscow State
University, and is devoted to the new global economic and geopolitical
agenda, and alternative development strategies for Russia and the
world, I speak on “The Perspectives of New Pragmatism versus the Threat
of New Nationalism”.
(for registered participants only)
April 4-6
with the key-note speech on “New Pragmatism vs. New Nationalism” in the
20th Eurasian Economic Summit hosted my Marmara Group Foundation.
(for registered participants only)
St. Petersburg
May 18-19
take a part, with a speech on the European Union crisis and the future
of euro currency, at the 17th International Likhachov Scientific
Conference hosted by the St. Petersburg Humanitarian.
(for registered participants only)
Evanston, Illinois
May 31 - June 2
speech on “The New Pragmatism versus New Nationalism” at The Kellogg
Innovation Network Global Summit, the KIN Global 2017 “Foresight: Where
Will We Go?”. The event occurs at The Kellogg School’s New Global Hub,
Northwestern University, in Evanston, Illinois, USA.
(for registered participants only)
June 21
10:30 Keynote speech on “New Pragmatism and How It Can Help the Economic Development of Ukraine?” at the 4th Kharkov International Business Forum on “Ukraine 2017. Strategic Vision: Challenges and Opportunities”.
September 15
10:00 Keynote speech on “The 16+1
Initiative and Geopolitics and Economics of East Central Europe
Integration in the Global Economy” presented to the
First China-CEE Development Forum. The event takes place at
Bellotto, Senatorska Street.
(for registered participants only)
Hong Kong
September 20
Presentation at the Symposium on “Belt and Road” organized by the Polytechnic University in Hong Kong.
October 18-24
18-hour lecture entitled "Globalization and Economic Transition in East Central Europe” for the PhD students at the Beijing Normal University.
Dallas, Texas
November 1
14:45 Speech on "The Future of Poland's Economy" at special Polish Day at the University of Texas in Dallas.
Austin, Texas
November 5-7
Paper on "Economics and Politics of the European Currency Convergence" at the international conference on the issues of European integration and the euro area. The event occurs at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas.
Sanya, Hainan Island, China
November 17-18
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko again in China. This time, at the invitation of the Center for China and Globalization, CCG, he participates in the 4th China Outbound Forum taking place at the Hainan island. The TIGER director speaks (on Friday, November 17th at 8:15 p.m.) at the plenary session on „Globalization, the Belt and Road Initiative, and the New Era of Chinese Enterprises ‘Going Global’”.
November 21
14:00 Lecture on "The New Pragmatism: Economics and Development Strategy for the Future" at the National Development Center of the Beijing University.
18:00 Lecture on “The New Pragmatism and Transformation of Globalization" at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China
November 30
17:30 Meeting of the Scientific Council of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies.
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2016
February 2
15:00 ”Whither the World: The Political Economy of the Future” – special public lecture presented to the Bangladesh Economic Association.
Dakhla, Western Sahara – Casablanca, Morocco
March 17-19
in the 2016 Crans Montana Forum on „Africa, Regional
Cooperation and the Future of the South-South”.
(by invitation only)
March 23
9:00 Keynote speech on “25 лет трансформации: от неолиберальных провалов к прагматичному росту" („25 Years of Transformation: From Neoliberal Failure to Pragmatic Growth”) at the Moscow Economic Forum at the Lomonosov State University.
April 5-7
with the speech on “Economics for the Future
International Co-operation”, at the 19th Eurasian Economic Summit
hosted my Marmara Group Foundation.
(by invitation only)
April 28
Keynote speech on “Poland’s experience with SOE and related financial reforms” at the Fourth Joint Conference of the People’s Bank of China and International Monetary Fund on “Strengthening the International Monetary System and International Experience in Resolving Debt Problems”. (by invitation only)
St. Petersburg
May 19-21
on “Neither Washington, Nor Beijing Consensus, but the New
Pragmatism” presented to the 16th International Likhachov Scientific
Conference hosted by the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of
Trade Unions.
(for registered participants only)
Miami Beach
June 1-3
speech on the “Economics and Economic Policy for the Future” at
The Kellogg Innovation Network Global Summit, the KIN Global 2016 “New
Worlds: Creating the Future”
(for registered participants only)
September 24
11:00 During short, working visit to China, at the Renmin University I’m accepting the honour of Non-Resident Senior Fellow of Choangyang Institute (by invitation only).
Xi’an, China
September 26-27
Yet another keynote speech, this time at the opening session of the international conference on „One Belt, One Road” in Xi’an, the Chinese city famous for its ancient terracotta soldiers army.
September 30
I’ve been invited, as “an architect of Polish economic growth”, to chair the panel on “Growth models and policies” at the special conference on Nicholas Kaldor’s legacy in the 21st century. The conferemce, called „Economic Growth and Social Equity”, is organized by the Department of Economic Policy of the Corvinus University in Budapest in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Venue: Corvinus University of Budapest, Auditorium III (1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.)
October 6-7
I speak at the Kyiv International Economic Forum on “Ukraine: On the Threshold of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The goal of the forum’s hosts is “to bring together bright minds from business and public sectors and formulate an effective economic growth strategy for Ukraine”.
Wuhan, China
November 11-13
At the invitation of China Public Diplomacy Institute and the Institute of State Governance at Huazhong University of Science and Technology I’m attending the International Symposium on “Green Development and Global Governance”, aka “Donghu Forum on Global Governance”, in Wuhan.
Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China
November 14-15
And again to China, this time to deliver a keynote speech on “The Future of China’s Economy in a Volatile World” at the plenary session of the International Forum on “One Belt, One Road”.
December 11
14:00 Keynote speech on “Cooperation and Development of 16+1 under the Belt and Road Framework” presented at the „Shared Development and Shared Economy” International Seminar on “Cooperation and Development of 16+1 under the Belt and Road Framework” organized by the Emerging Markets Institute of Beijing Normal University
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2015
Washigton, DC
January 12
12:30 Professor Kolodko’s USA 2015 Book Tour starts at the World Bank with the lecture on the world future. The seminar is hosted by Professor Kaushik Basu, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of World Bank, and the discussant is Mr. Hans Timmer, the Chief Economist for the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region of the World Bank. The Tour follows the publication of Professor Kolodko’s new book „Whither the World: The Political Economy of the Future” (vol. I & Vol II). The seminar takes place at the venue of the World Bank, 1818 H St. NW Washington, DC, room J1-050.
Washigton, DC
January 13
15:00 A talk on "The Political Economy of the Future" at the Woodraw Wilson International Center for Scholars, Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue
January 14
12:00 p.m. Public lecture on “The Political Economy of the Future”, University of Chicago at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, 1155 East 60th Street
January 15
7:30 At the invitation of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs Professor Kolodko is giving a lecture on the world financial crisis and its European aftermath. The event occurs at 332 South Michigan Avenue. (by invitation only)
5:15 p.m. Public lecture on “Whither the World: The Political Economy of the Future”, Kellogg School of Management, The Jacobs Center, Evanston, 2001 Sheridan Road
Los Angeles
January 20
12:00 Within the framework of Global Management Lecture Series Professor Kolodko delivers the speech on "Wither the World: The Political Economy of the Future" at the Anderson Center for Global Management, University of California in Los Angeles. The lecture takes place as the UCLA main campus at the Anderson School of Management.
January 21
12:00 Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko is giving a seminar on the world affairs at the Institute of European Studies, the Institute of International Studies, and the Slavistic Institute of University of California, Berkeley. The seminar takes place in the Moses Hall.
New York
January 26
9:30 Special lecture on “Sustainable Development, Equitable Growth, or Next Crisis?” presented to the United Nations. The United Nations Library, UN Headquarters, Room L-105, First Avenue at 46th Street
February 1
14:00 A talk on the lessons from Polish and East Central European transformation for the Arab Spring and the economic development prospects. The event is hosted by the Regional Center for Strategic Studies.
February 15
11:00 Special lecture on "The World Economic Challenges and Their Consequences for Economic Development" at the Sudan Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences
Dakhla, Western Sahara
March 13
Special lecture on the world future at the Crans Montana Forum on "Together for a Better World".
March 16
13:00 Lecture on „Globalization, Crisis, and What Next? Toward New Pragmatism” at the Ecole de Gouvernance et d`Economie, Avenue Mohamed Ben Abdellah Regragui, Rabat 10112, Maroko
March 25-26
Keynote speech on the structural reforms and institutional changes in Russia at the Moscow Economic Forum.
April 7-9
Keynote speech on the aftermath of the world financial crisis at the 18th Eurasian Economic Summit
New York
April 21
14:30 At the special event at Columbia University Professor Kolodko presents his newest book on "Whither the World: the Political Economy of the Future" (Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, 2014, pp. 450, vol. II). Two economics Nobel Laureates, professors of Columbia University, Edmund S. Phelps and Joseph E. Stiglitz, act as the discussants. The event takes place at Columbia University, International Affairs Building, Room 1512
April 27
16:30 Lecture on "Whither the World: the Political Economy of the Future" and the book presentation in Chatham House - the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The event takes place at Astor Room at the lower ground floor of Chatham House, 10 St James's Square, London SW1Y 4LE.
St. Petersburg
May 14-15
A paper "К лучшему будущему: перспективы интеграции" presented at the XV International Likhachov Scientific Conference on "National Economies in Global Challenges Context" the St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences. The conference takes place in St. Petersburg, 15, Futchika Str.
June 23
13:00 Lecture on “Whither the World: The Political Economy of the Future” at the Renmin University of China.
19:00 Lecture on “Transition to Market Economy in Poland and East Central Europe” at the Tsinghua University in Beijing.
June 24
Lecture on “Whither the World: The Political Economy of the Future” and the book presentation at Polish Embassy in Beijing.
June 25
Lecture on “Globalisation, Crisis and What Next? Toward the New Pragmatism” at the Beijing Normal University.
June 26
A keynote speech on the world future challenges at the Fourth Global Think Tank Summit hosted by the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.
October 20
10:15 Reverend Jesse Jackson, one of foremost civil rights, religious and political figures and founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, a non-profit organization supporting social justice, civil rights and political activism ( is visiting Poland. At the event hosted by Professor G. W. Kolodko within the framework of Kozminski University and TIGER Distinguished Lectures (, Rev. Jackson speaks on the civil rights at the era of globalization.
October 26-28
Paper on “Новый прагматизм – экономическая наука будущего” (“The New Pragmatism: Economic Science for the Future”) presented at the international conference on “Global Development: Challenges and Conflicts in the 21st Century”, Lomonosov State University (by invitation only)
Austin, Texas
November 2-3
The London B. Johnson School of Public Affairs of University of Texas, Austin, hosts a two-day conference on the “The Eurozone and The Americas: Debt and Democracy” ( Professor G. W. Kolodko takes a part in two panel debates: "Dealing With Debt" and "What Is the Future of Europe?"
November 20
Speech at the International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business. The conference on "The Double Bottom Line - How rich we really are", organized by the Board of Directors of the World Forum for Ethics in Business, is held at the European Parliament in Brussels.
December 8
10:15 On the jubilee, 25th Kozminski University & TIGER Distinguished Lecture Professor G. W. Kolodko hosts prominent American economist, Professor James Kenneth Galbraith, who gives a lecture entitled "The Greek Drama: Economic and Ethical Issues".
December 12
10:00 “Globalization, Transformation, Crisis, and What Next?”, special lecture for the students of the European Academy of Diplomacy KSAP, 56, Wawelska Str. (by invitation only)
December 16
I present a keynote speech on “New Pragmatism and the Way Forward for China and East Central Europe Co-operation” at the Third High-Level Symposium of Think Tanks of China and Central and Eastern European Countries on “From Suzhou Onwards: Think Tank Exchanges in Support of 16+1 Cooperation”, organized jointly by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Secretariat for Cooperation between China, and Central and Eastern European Countries and China Foundation for International Studies (CFIS).
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2014
February 3
12:00 Seminar on the European Union integration and enlargment, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi (
February 4-6
Keynote speech on „New Pragmatism and the World Future” at the 17th Eurasian Economic Summit organized by the Marmara Group Strategic and Social Research Foundation
March 6
10:00 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Polish Institute of International Affairs and the University of Warsaw invite you to participate in a conference to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Polish-Indian diplomatic relations. The conference includes panel discussions on "Poland and India in the globalized world" with the participation of Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, President of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, and a Director of TIGER, Professor. Grzegorz W. Kolodko. The conference is held in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw, Kazimierz Palace, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmiescie Street.
March 12
9:50 “Global and regional macro-economic forecasts”, speech at “The Economist” “Azerbaijan Investment Summit: 2020 and beyond - accelerating economic development”, followed by a discussion with the Azeri Minister of Finance, Mr. Samir Sharifov. Four Seasons, Baku, Azerbaijan
March 26
10:00 Panel debate on «Перспективы реиндустриализации мировой экономики. Новая промышленная политика против экономического застоя» (in Russian) at the plenary session of Moscow Economic Forum on "НЕСЫРЬЕВОЕ БУДУЩЕЕ РОССИИ" ( The event takes place in Moscow, at 27, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, korpus 4.
May 15
11:00 Keynote speech on „In Quest for a Better Future: The New Pragmatism” at the conference „Leadership, Education, Innovation” which, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of Fulbright Program in Poland, is organized by the Foundation of Polish-American Fulbright Commission jointly with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the USA Embassy in Poland. The conference takes place at the Auditorium Maximum of Warsaw University at Krakowskie Przedmieście Street.
May 21-24
Conferring the Honorary Professor Award of the Alfred Nobel University and special lecture at the 4th International Nobel Economic Congress “The World Economy in XXI Century: Cycles and Crises” on “Economic Sciences and Policies: Dialectics of Mutual Relationship”, Alfred Nobel University
May 29
15:00 "Итоги четвертьвековых трансформаций" – special lecture presented to the Scientific Council of the Institute of Economics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
May 30
11:30 Keynote lecture on "What Ukraine Can Learn from the Polish Successful Transformation?" at the International Forum 2014 "Ukraine: Facing the Future". The event is hosted by the International Management Institute, MIM, 10/12B, Shulyavska St.
May 31
10:00 Special address to members of the Scientific Council of International Management Institute, MIM-Kyiv, and the MBA and Senior MBA students, on “Whither the World: the Political Economy of the Future", MIM, 10/12B, Shulyavska St.
11:45 Conferment of the International Management Institute, MIM-Kyiv, Doctorate Honoris Causa to Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko
June 6
5:00 p.m. Lecture and seminar on "Quarter of a Century of Post-socialist Transformation and What Next?", The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, WIIW, Rahlgasse 3, 6 Bezirk
June 23
10:45 a.m. Lecture on “Economics and Politics of Structural Reforms for Development” at the Atelier stratégique national: “Vers un nouveau modèle de développement pour la Tunisie” sous le haut patronage de Monsieur le Chef du Gouvernement, hotel El Mouradi, Gammarth
St. Petersburg
June 26
12:00 p.m. Lecture on “Political Economy of Postsocialist Tramsformation” (in Russian) at the international conference hosted by the Center for Economic and Socio-Cultural Development of the CIS and Central Eastern European Countries, hotel Hermitage, Pravda St.
September 17-18
"Economic Policy Supporting Social Justice", the round table discussion during the 28th Ministerial Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Africa
September 26
9:00 “Whither the World: The Political Economy of the Future”, lecture and seminar for the students and faculty of the Tbilisi State University
September 26
11:30 “Poland's Economic Transition Success: Can It Hold?”, seminar for the staff of the South Caucasus Regional Office of the World Bank (by invitation only)
September 26
15:00 “Economics and Politics of Postsocialist Transition: The Case of Poland’s Success”, public lecture at the Tbilisi State University
October 2
11:00 Debate on “Financing of Development Projects” at the Kyiv International Economic Forum “Ukraine: From Third World to First”
16:00 Panel discussion on “Business - Government Partnership. Reload” at the Kyiv International Economic Forum “Ukraine: From Third World to First”
October 2
Keynote speech on “The New Pragmatism” at the International Financial and Economic Forum on “Russian Economic Policy in the Presence of Global Turbulence”. Financial University, 49, Leningradsky Prospect
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Lectures 2013
January 24
10:00 a.m. “Well-being, welfare and political challenge”, report to the international seminar concluding the research project “World and Europe in 2030”, University Foundation in Brussels
March 4
11:00 a.m. "The Polish Transition to Market and Democracy: A Two Third Success", lecture presented at the conference on „Hungarian-Polish friendship – history, economy and culture”, Corvinus University
March 20
10:30 a.m. "The Crisis of the Market Fundamentalism in the World and Russia: The Birth of New Trends”, speech at the Moscow Economic Forum, the Lomonosv University
April 8
6:00 p.m. "Poland, Europe, the World: Before or After the Crisis?”, special lecture for the Polish City Club, Eight 1 Change Alley, London, EC3V 3ND (by invitation only)
April 9
8:00 p.m. “Whither Europe? What Future for Euro?”, speech at the meeting of the Financial Services Club, Lloyd’s of London, One Lime Street, London, EC3M 7HA (by invitation only)
May 31
7:00 p.m. “Whither the World? Whither Poland?”, lecture at the meeting of the Polish City Club Paris, The Polish Institute, 31 rue Jean Goujon
June 18
4:30 p.m. Lecture and seminar on “Structural Reforms and Development Policy in Transitional Economies” for the team of government advisors and experts, office of Tunisia Prime Minister
June 29
9:00 a.m. “Panel discussion on "Changes in Global Economic Patterns and Future Perspectives" at the Third Global Think Tank Summit (GTTS), China World Hotel Beijing
July 1
7:00 p.m. Opening remarks at the inauguration of Poland’s presidency in the European Union Ambassadors to People Democratic Republic of Korea
St. Petersburg
25-27 September
The guest of honor and the special key speaker with the lecture on “The New Pragmatism and the Future of the World Economy” at the international scientific congress organized by the Simon Kuznets International Institute for Self-Organization and Development. State University of Economics (metro station Nevsky Prospekt)
November 8
9:30 “Challenges for Poland in the European Union: need for economic, social and structural reforms and competitiveness”, panel debate at the international symposium "Poland and the Crisis in Europe" organized by the Polish Historical and Literary Society, in cooperation with INALCO, the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations. INALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, CS21351, 75214-PARIS cedex 13
Sanya, Hainan Island, China
December 13-14
Keynote speech on the world future at the Sanya Forum on “Restructuring to Explore New Driving Forces for Growth”
December 16
2:00 p.m.At the invitation of Professor Justin Yifu Lin, former Vice-President for Development and Chief Economist of the World Bank, Professor Kolodko delivers a seminar for the MBA and Master of Economics students at the Peking University. The topic of the lecture is “Whither the World: Political Economy of the Future”.
December 18-19
Keynote lecture on "The New Pragmatism and the World’s Future" at the 2013 Caixin Summit "China and the World"
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko International Book Tour 2012
January 24
6:00 p.m. A seminar on the world affairs and lessons from Poland transformation for the Arab Spring. At the event, which takes place at the venues of the Cairo Press Syndicate, I am accompanied by His Excellency Roman Puchta, the Poland’s Ambassador to Egypt.
January 29
10:30 a.m. Meeting with the readers and my Arabic book “Hkaak w Akhtaa w Akazeeb. AL Siasah W AL Ektsad F Aalam Motahawel" ( & signing at the Hindawi Publishing House.
January 29
6:00 p.m. The signing of book "Hkaak w Akhtaa w Akazeeb. AL Siasah W AL Ektsad F Aalam Motahawel" ( & at the Shorouk bookstore, 7 Hassan Sabry St., Zamalek
January 30
4:00 p.m. The book "Hkaak w Akhtaa w Akazeeb. AL Siasah W AL Ektsad F Aalam Motahawel" ( & signing hosted by the Alef Bookstore. The event takes place at 132 EL Merghany St., Heliopolis.
January 30
8:00 p.m. Lecture on "Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World" and book presentation and signing, El Sawy Culturewheel, End of 26th of July Street, Zamalek, Cairo
January 31
3:00 p.m. The book signing at The 43rd Cairo International Book Fair, Kalimat Arabia booth, the exhibition grounds, Nasr City, Hall No. 2
February 6
4:00 p.m. Seminar on “Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World”, Department of Economics and Institute of Financial Economics, 316 Nicely Hall, AUB
February 8
11:00 a.m. Lecture on "Globalization, Crisis – and What Next?"
March 5
20:00 a.m. The second part of Middle East and North Africa Book Tour Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko initiates in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, where he presents his Arabic book "Hkaak w Akhtaa w Akazeeb. AL Siasah W AL Ektsad F Aalam Motahawel”. At the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies he delivers a lecture on “Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World”. The venue of the meeting is at Olaya Street, Riyadh 11543.
March 6
1:30 p.m. "Neoliberalism, Global Crisis, and the Ways Out" – such was the title of Profesor Kolodko lecture presented at the Dar Al Uloom University in Riyadh.
March 7
10:00 a.m. The TIGER Director is hosted by the Institute of Diplomatic Studies in Riyadh, where he meets with the faculty and students of this prestigious think-tank. The subject of Professor Kolodko speech is “The Globalization Challenge: In Quest for a New Institutional Order of World Economy”. The event occurs at the ISD venue at King Fahad Road.
March 7
6:00 p.m. At the Riyadh International Book Fair Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko meets the readers and signs his Arabic book LINKI: „Hkaak w Akhtaa w Akazeeb. AL Siasah W AL Ektsad F Aalam Motahawel” in the Afaq Bookstore.
March 8
7:00 p.m. Book signing in the Beirut Bookstore, booth no. A19-21. The event occurs at the Muscat International Book Fair.
April 1
11:00 a.m. Lecture on "Globalization, Crisis, and What Next?"
April 1
6:00 p.m. Book signing at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair
April 2
7:30 p.m. lecture on "Politics and Economics in a Volatile World"
April 3
12:00 p.m. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko pays a visit to the United Arab Emirates University, Al Ayun, to deliver lecture on "Whither the World? Globalization at the Crossroads".
April 27
2:30 p.m. At the invitation of rector of the Lviv University Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presents lecture on "Neoliberalism, Crisis, and the Ways Out". The TIGER Director holds the Honorary Degree of the University. He was awarded with this distinction in 2003 for the contribution to the theory of economic sciences.
May 3
10:30 a.m. Lecture on "Globalization, Crisis and What Next?" at the National Chengchi University in Taipei
May 17
4:00 p.m. "Economic Crisis or Crisis of Economics?" - such is the tile of the paper presented by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko to the Third Session of the World Nobel Congress in Economics hosted by the Alfred Nobel University in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. This year Congress topic is "The World Economy of the XXI Century: Cycles and Crises.
June 4
10:30 a.m Lecture on University of Tripoli, lecture on "Economics and Politics of Postsocialist Transformation in Poland and Eastern Europe: Lessons for Arab Countries"
June 5
12:00 p.m. Lecture on University of Tripoli, lecture on "Economics and Politics of Postsocialist Transformation in Poland and Eastern Europe: Lessons for Arab Countries"
June 7
11:30 a.m. Lecture on "Economics and Politics of Postsocialist Transformation in Poland and Eastern Europe: Lessons for the Arab Countries" presented to the Annual Conference of the Tunisian Economists on "Les defis economiques of sociaux et la transition democratique"
June 12
3:30 p.m. Lecture on "Economics and Politics of Postsocialist Transformation in Poland and Eastern Europe: Lessons for the Arab Countries" presented to the IHEC, College of Commerce in Carthage
June 12
6:30 p.m. Lecture on "Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World" presented to the Association of the Graduates of French Universities', Amen Bank
June 20
12:00 p.m. "Las reformas económicas en Polonia", lecture presented to the conference of Centro de Estudios de la Economia Cubana (CEEC) of the Universidad de la Habana on "La Actualización del Modelo Económico Cubano"
July 11
For the first time the International Society of Business, Economics,
and Ethics Congress (ISBEE) takes place in Poland. The Vth Congress is
hosted by Kozminski University. The TIGER Director, Professor Grzegorz
W. Kolodko has been invited to deliver a special lecture at the evening
meeting at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. The topic of Professor's speech
is "Globalization, Crisis and What Next? Values, Institutions, and
(by invitation only)
July 12
p.m. For the first time the International Society of
Business, Economics, and Ethics Congress (ISBEE) takes place in Poland.
The Vth
Congress is hosted by Kozminski University. The TIGER Director,
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko has been invited to deliver a special
lecture at the evening meeting at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. The topic
of Professor's speech is "Globalization, Crisis and What Next? Values,
Institutions, and Policies".
(by invitation only)
July 28
11:00 a.m. "Whither Europe? Whither the World?" Such is the title of keynote speech which Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko delivers to the international conference on “Economic Crisis in Europe. Towards Gender-Equitable Macroeconomic Policy-making and Economic Governance”. The event, organized by the Gender and Macro Economics Working Group, IWG, takes place at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.
September 4
4:00 p.m. As in the past, also this year the Economic Forum occurs in Krynica-Zdroj. It is already the 22nd gathering of this kind, occurring on this occasion under the title “The New Visions for Challenging Times. Europe and the World at the Crisis”. Professor Kolodko takes a part in a panel co-hosted by the Deutsche Bank Poland. The panel, called “The Future and Perspectives of Banking Sector”, is chaired by the Chairman of DB Poland, Professor Krzysztof Kalicki, and attended by Professor Mario D. Nuti, Universita di Roma “La Sapienza”, Dr. Jerzy Pruski, President of the Banking Guarantee Fund, and the DB Board Member, Mr. Peter Tils.
September 5
4:00 p.m. "Crisis of Europe as a Crisis of National Institutions?" – such is the title of a panel debate with Professor G. W. Kolodko at the Krynica Economic Forum. The panel is chaired by Professor Maria Jarosz and the other discussants are Prof. Stéphane Portet, International Labor Organization and UNDP, Prof. Klaus Ziemer, Uniwersity of Trewir, and Andrzej Jonas, editor-in-chief of the weekly "The Warsaw Voice".
September 28
3:00 p.m. "Whither Europe? Values, Institutions, Policies", a special speech to the 18th Scientific Conference of the Euro Memo Group, hosted by the Economic University in Poznan. The conference topic is "Deepening crisis in the EU: the need for a fundamental change in policy".
Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko's Lectures in USA, Canada & Great Britain
January 31
6:15 p.m. "Truth, Errors, and Lies. Politics and Economics in a Volatile World", lecture and seminar at the School for Public Policy (SPP) at the George Mason University. The meeting, hosted by the Center for Emerging Market Policies (CEMP), occurs in MS 3B1, Founders Hall Room 126, 3351 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22201.
February 1
p.m. "Truth, Errors, and Lies. Politics and Economics in
a Volatile World", seminar and the book presentation, 5th
Floor Conference Room, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, 1300 Pennsylvania
Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20004-3027
February 1
6:45 p.m. "Leadership in Economic Thinking and Policymaking", special seminar in the "Leadership In..." series instituted by the American Polish Forum. The event (by invitation only) occurs at the Offices of Wilmer Hale LLP, 18th Street & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, in Washington, DC.
February 2
6:15 p.m. "Truth, Errors, and Lies. The Politics and Economics in a Volatile World", seminar and the book presentation, The Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University, chaired by Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz. The event takes place at Faculty House, Presidential Room, 3rd Floor, 64 Morningside Dr, New York, NY 10027.
February 3
"Whither the World? Whither Civilization?", seminar hosted by Rector of
UNU, Professor Jean-Marc Coicaud. Conference Room 6, Temporary North
Lawn Building (TNLB) UN Headquarters, New York. The event includes a
simultaneous live, interactive webcast, for those who are not able to
attend in person. Register here to access the webcast on the
day of the event.
at United Nations Univeristy
February 4
3:00 p.m. "Whither the World, Whither Europe? How to Govern the Post-Crisis Globalization", this is the title of Professor Kolodko's lecture at the Cornell Institute for European Studies. The event, co-sponsored by the Emerging Markets Institute of Cornell’s Johnson Graduate School of Management takes place at the Cornell University campus, at the venue of CIES, the Cornell Center for European Studies, in Ithaca, NY, 120 Uris Hall.
February 8
4:00 p.m. "Truth, Errors, and Lies: the Politics and Economics in a Volatile World", the Development Studies Seminar at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, co-sponsorship with the European Studies Council, Luce Hall, Room Luce 202, 34 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven, CT.
February 9
1:00 p.m. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko meets with a group of young Canadian Polish professionals and with the media. The meeting (by invitation only) takes place at the office of the Consulate, Lakeshore Blvd., W., M8V 1G5, Toronto, 2603.
February 9
5:30 p.m. "Truth, Errors, and Lies: the Politics and Economics in a Volatile World", lecture at the Munk School for Global Affairs, University of Toronto, the Campbell Conference Room, 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto ON
February 10
p.m. "Truth, Errors, and Lies: the Politics and
Economics in a Volatile World", the Annual Colin Miller Memorial
Lecture, the Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
and the Department of Economics at the University of California, The
Ida & Robert Sproul Room of the International House on the UC
Berkeley campus, 2299 Piedmont Avenue, University of California,
Berkeley, California 94720-2320
presented at the University of California, Berkeley
WORLD BANK, Washington, DC
February 14
11:00 a.m. "Whither the World? In Quest for a New Paradigm in Development", the book presentation and seminar led by the World Bank Senior Vice President & Chief Economist, Professor Justin Yifu Lin, The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433
February 14
3:00 p.m. "Truth, Errors and Lies: The Political Economy of 21st Century Globalization”, seminar at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at the John Hopkins University. The Rome Auditorium at SAIS, 1619 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036.
May 16
6:00 p.m. "Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World", lecture at the Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE), the Lorimer Room, the Old College building, South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL
May 17
11:00 a.m. "Whither the World? Whither Europe? In Quest for New Paradigm of Development", University of Cambridge, Queens College, W2.01, Cambridge Judge Business School, Trumpington street
May 17
1:00 p.m. "Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World", public lecture at the University of Cambridge, room W2.02, Cambridge Judge Business School, Trumpington street
May 18
panel discussion "Economic outlook and policies challenges facing
Emerging Europe" at the IHS Global Insight Conference on "Global
Rebalancing: Looking Beyond Short-Term Challenges"
(only by invitation)
October 13
6:30 p.m. The London School of Economics and Political Sciences Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko delivers the Management Department public lecture on "Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World". The lecture takes place in the Sheikh Zayed Theatre in the New Academic Building This event is free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on first come, first served basis. For any queries email or call 020 7955 6043.
November 1
6:00 p.m. "Neoliberalism, the World Crisis, and Uncertain Future", lecture and seminar at the University College London The event takes place at room 431-433, the 4th floor, SSEES building, 16 Taviton Street (5 minutes from Euston station WC1H 0BW).
November 2
6:00 p.m. Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko presents his new book on "Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World" and, as the Executive Guest Speaker, delivers lecture on "Globalization, Crisis – and What Next" to the audience of HULT International Business School The event takes place at Hotel Russel, 1-8 Russell Square, Bloomsbury, London, WC1B 5BE.