Witam na blogu – Welcome on the Blog

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2,862 thoughts on “Witam na blogu – Welcome on the Blog

  1. (1401.) Just like everyone else is saying, globalization has been around for a while now. Even though it is nothing new, it seems to be catching us kind of by surprise. I really like the way Thomas Friedman described globalization, he wrote about it in his book “The World is Flat.” He explains it in a very simple way. Let’s say 80% of Americans are knowledge workers and 20% are manual laborers. From what we see, the number of manual laborers is significantly smaller. Meaning, that it might be difficult to fill cleaning jobs, fast food restaurants, and other job positions which most Americans are simply not willing to do. On the other hand, we have china, where not only the market is about 3-5 times bigger, but the role is reversed. About 90% are physical laborers and only 10% knowledge workers. From this scenario we can conclude that the knowledge workers will do just fine, because they have a big market (thanks to China mostly), but the manual workers will face some problems because if you are a factory worker, only one factory can buy your labor with a lot of competition on top of that.
    At the first glance it may seem a little overwhelming, one might think “how will I ever find a job in this kind of market?” Well, one thing is for sure, we need to keep improving, work harder. The competition is getting more fierce as the days go by and globalization is spreading at extremely high rates. We need to stay in transition and keep up with all the ongoing changes in order not to stay behind. We live in a world, partly thanks to globalization where things do not simply come to us, we have to go and get them. There is not a job with your name on it in the world, you have to put your name on it.
    The bright side of all this is that globalization is opening up many new niche markets, which can prove to be great opportunities for people looking to expand their knowledge and working hard. For example, thanks to the internet, one can become a SEO (search engine optimization) specialist, while a decade ago nobody even heard of such profession.
    To sum up, globalization has resulted in greater competition all around the world, but at the same time opened up new horizons, of which we might have never heard of otherwise and thanks to it some nations are able to exchange what they bring to the table and feed off of each other mutually.

  2. (1400.) The buzzword we hear all around – globalization, it seems like it took over the world. And for the most part, it really did. Now, whether we want it or not, thanks to technology and innovation, the world from every aspect is on an upwards trend toward a better and easier life. In order to stay competitive, all countries have to keep up with this trend. Globalization has proven to be good, taking into consideration Bangalore in India for example, which has become the Indian Silicon Valley with their advanced IT boom. Unfortunately, globalization has also left its’ bad marks in the world, looking at Detroit for example. Detroit started its downward turn first after the oil crisis in 1970s. Later, when Japanese automakers entered the market with smaller, more fuel-efficient cars, U.S automakers faced real problems and today the city stands in ruins. From those two instances only, we can see that globalization brings along with it a great force, a force which is able to boom or bust a region’s economy in just a course of one generation.

    We can say that globalization has been around for ages, but really only during the last 25 years is when it took on a real growth pattern thanks to the rapid spread of information technology (IT) and the internet. Thanks to these innovations the companies have changed their organization ways by 180 degrees, globalizing manufacturing and outsourcing or off shoring products and services. It is amazing that even the most simple services or products are now being performed or produced abroad.

    One thing that is extremely hard to say, is that globalization is fair. Omitting China and India, the countries which probably got the most out of the whole process, it seems as the rich are getting richer and poor either staying the same or getting even poorer. While countries like Germany and USA are booming, people are still starving in Africa. It is really a horrible thing to think about. By implementing certain thought-out policies, the nations should get together to try to keep the growth fairly equal, which as one can imagine is somewhat far-fetched and may or may not be attainable in the near future. It is hard to think what will happen next, will the gap between poor and rich keep expanding? In my opinion, unfortunately yes, I simply cannot imagine this trend changing anytime soon.

  3. (1399.) Though the history of globalization is under constant debate, the effects of the phenomenon today on intercultural communication are without a doubt at its peak. Globalization is defined as the liberalization of markets by which; economies, cultures and societies become closer integrated via an increase in world trade, communication and transportation availability. Whether the effects of globalization are negative or positive, it is for certain that differences in cultures are less evident as a result, therefore, cross-culture experiences can be made with greater ease. With the world becoming more aware of differences in our cultures, for the most part it may also become more tolerant and understanding. The effect of this is that differences of intercultural communications are diminishing as the world is becoming a single “westernized” market. This as a result may be harmful to societies and the preservation of their cultures.
    In the past two decades the world has experienced great change as a result of an increase in trade and communication technology among other things. For this reason, there is a better understanding of cultures than there was two decades ago. None the less, the difference of cultures is still very evident and the effects of globalization have not yet reached a level where one can call the world a single homogeneous culture. Greater access to internet and education has allowed for the world population to educate themselves more in terms of culture diversities. This is important in today’s world because international trade has amplified more than one hundred times from 1955 to 2005 and the need to communicate with people of different descent is necessary. Working abroad in large multinational corporations requires training which usually involves background information on the culture. This allows for an employee to exhibit the expectations that could be in the working country so that misunderstanding and confusion is avoided. For this reason, it is important to be aware of cross culture expectations and norms as verbal and body language could be misinterpreted. For example, in North America, Canada and Europe eye-contact is encouraged whereas in most of Asia it is considered rude, hand-holding of the same sex in the Middle East and certain Asian countries is a symbol of special friendship where as in North America it would be considered a sign of homosexuality, another example is that Asians have a tendency to show very little face expressions which indicates politeness whereas western countries tend to show more emotion through face gestures. These examples are a few from a list that could fill an entire book. In short, fully adjusting to another culture is a process that takes many years, however, the basics which cover the key elements of how to communicate should be known when traveling or working abroad.

  4. (1398.) The European Union example shows us that giving options and letting people to chose individually is a very important part of globalizing the world. In Germany the French blue cheese was considered as bad for health; therefore you could not find it in German stores. However, with the European Union’s idea of making it easier for trade, they decided to bring on the law that if it is legal to buy it in one country within EU, there has to be possibility to buy it in another. There is nothing wrong with that, because Germans who think this cheese is not good for them, they are not forced to buy it anyways. This is just an example of how giving options influences the growth of globalization.

    Yet, we have to remember that the process of globalization is not only about trade, but in one or other way it also affects the culture and morals of society. We should feel responsible for that too, even though we are not forcing anyone to do anything there might be some moral aspects of giving people those choices. Lets take a look at abortion and euthanasia. Some countries allow that and some of them, usually considered as more catholic ones, do not. The European Union itself does not force them to allow it; however, because of the process of creating one common world, there is a pressure to give those options. It is understood from the point of view of people who for any reason supports those ideas. I am not talking about whether someone is catholic or is not religious at all. It is more about morals. We can say that it should be allowed, because it is just a matter of choice and people who are against it do not have to chose it, but it would be fair for people who have other beliefs. From one point of view it is true; however, what will happen with our future generations? They will look at it differently. They will grow up with it and see it as more normal. This is again just an example of what is happening to society in a huge process of globalization, where money, trade, and economic development are becoming more important than real values, morals, and humanity.­ Are we really not responsible for that?

  5. (1397.) If we talk about globalization then I think many factors come together to create this. I think some major reasons that come together are the awareness and acceptance of people. For example if you take Warsaw for instance and you look back 20 years ago and the acceptance and awareness was totally different then it is today. My parents left Poland 28 years ago and they told me to see a black man or Asian it was a shock and some people would point and stare but today due to globalization it is not anything shocking to see a foreigner in Warsaw or any major city of Poland. But since Poland is still a developing country if you were to go to smaller and more rural cities and towns I’m sure people would still be in shock and not aware of seeing someone of different race and color. If we talk about products in Poland now comparing what was accessible 20 years ago and the actual knowledge of them its 180 degrees different. Due to the internet and the flow of information throughout the world people have more knowledge about Brands and are able to distinguish what is good and bad. And companies must compete to satisfy customers with quality because due to globalization there is a certain standard and criteria people and companies follow now. 20 years ago there was no really knowledge and availability to all of these really luxuries brands in Poland and now it all depends how big your wallet is and what quality you are looking for. Also I think infrastructure is developing more and more in Poland people are comparing other countries based on Highways and means of public transport and just the standards of European countries people are able to notice the negative points and complain and focus on what to fix and make better. Globalization also increases the overall competition of companies which means companies really have to try to grab the attention of customers by competing with each other on price and quality and overall creating a look and image that will be accepted by the overall society around the world. It is also important to look at when entering new markets for companies for example having a local partner in a country to help you cooperate with a foreign company. Also very important to set up subsidiaries to globalize companies and have offices around the world not just in the local country.

  6. (1396.) Economic globalization has economic interdependence and interaction strengthened.
    1. Economic globalization makes the formation of the world economy “You have me, I have you” situation, to further strengthen interdependence. With the further development of economic globalization, developed countries of goods, services, capital, technology and market highly integrated, and between developed and developing countries are strengthening the relationship.
    2. Economic globalization has made national economies to reduce barriers to communicate with each other, interaction strengthened. Strengthening of economic globalization, the foreign trade and international capital flows in the economic transfer between countries in strengthening the role. Since 1980, the trend of economic globalization, foreign trade and investment gradually become two-way transmission channel, the developed countries to economic development and the decline of foreign trade and investment through the delivery to send to developing countries; developing economic and financial fluctuations will also affect developed countries. End of 1994, the Mexican financial crisis shook the world; in July 1997 triggered by the Thai financial crisis has not spared the developed countries.
    3. economic globalization, the concept of forcing people to innovation. 1 The concept of international trade appear. Under the economic globalization, a country’s external economic exchanges and cooperation, we can not only consider the trade in goods, but also the goods trade and direct investment, financial, services, technology considered. Because trade and investment goods complement and promote each other, has become the fulcrum of the economic development of the two. 2, the largest international trade concepts and adjust and optimize its economic reform and opening up closely together; “trading nation”, “trade-based” traditional doctrine has given way to “economic integration” and “market integration.” 3 to change from passive acceptance to active participation in economic globalization, economic globalization. More and more countries recognize that economic globalization is the result of scientific and technological revolution, is the trend, took the initiative to reform its economic system, the development of open economies and promote trade, investment and financial liberalization, to create investment conditions for multinational corporations, and active participation in the multilateral trading system and activities. 4 changes for the sake of a single side of sanctions was “win-win.” Under the economic globalization, a State to another unilateral “trade protection”, “trade frictions”, “trade sanctions” and other measures expense of others, has been transformed from a tool for self-protection into a double-edged sword, the sanctions While other countries also make their own hurt. The best way is through negotiations to reach mutually beneficial agreements to promote bilateral economic and trade development, and achieve “win-win.”

  7. (1395.) Globalization and change in consciousness

    You can not solve the current crisis. It is not a financial and economic crisis. It is a crisis of ethics, a moral crisis, a crisis of values and a crisis of meaning of life. For 20 years we talked about globalization, but we talked only to globalize one type of trade, a type of economy, a circulation of goods, but now we need to globalize consciousness. Today there is a tendency to uniformity, thought only to a very uniform education but our focus is to promote the difference in humans, if we focus on uniformity.
    Scientists agree that globalization has also cultural and ecological connotations, and that it is not only political or economic phenomenon. It means that countries all over the world become interdependent in many possible ways. There is probably no area of human activities left that is not affected by globalization. We listen to the same music, eat the same food, wear the same clothes, and decide ecological and war and peace issues together. I think that in our life’s there are two the most important things that form our consciousness – family which is our environment since we are born and school which teach us how to survive and develop in now a days world.
    In my point of view education is extremely uniform and it causes that we do not exploit individual skills. Young people live in fear, because of the high level of competition. Today we have to study about multiple races, masters and languages, but even so we must change the perspective and orientation of the education system. It should exploit the capabilities that teach us to think that we are better and that make us feel as human beings not a robots.
    To globalize the consciousness we must reduce excess consumerism and we are in the era of consumerism.That’s why we must make a 360 degree turn to the consume responsibly. We can not continue the pace of consumerism so exaggerated, because the planet will not handle it. So we have to reduce material consumption and increase cultural consumption.

    I understand how to globalize and standardize the human thought to a common good. In my opinion we must stop thinking in society and individuals as selfish which try to maximize their own benefit and try to see human beings as part of a whole. We should see the Earth as living organism composed of cells that each contribute to its develoment.

  8. (1394.) During the lectures with prof. Kołodko we have been exposed to a great deal of information on the ever changing modern world, with the topic of globalization working as a beacon on the path of understanding. For some globalization represents a natural, indeed inevitable, progression towards a “borderless world” that is marking the end of an era of entities known as independent countries and the modern international state system as we know it. For others, the concept is exaggerated and its benign influences are exaggerated. Indeed, globalization is dangerous or I should rather say that to some it might be dangerous and ruthless. However the fear and resistance that is generated by lack of knowledge could be often misguiding. Unfortunately, many people are under the impression that globalization has to do more with conspiracy of the wealthiest and most powerful groups/countries in the world in order to become even stronger. If You add to it that globalization is a completely new phenomena You get a completely false image. The truth is that globalization is a widely-used term that can be defined in a number of different ways, which for those less intelligent or educated people is sometimes hard to understand. First of all however people should understand that globalization or for now let’s say “interdependence” between entities is not a new phenomenon. It has been discussed in our lectures, therefore I shall not dwell on it but it is always important from my perspective to mention that fact. We should also add that even though the speed of this “interdependence“ has not been neither steady nor fast in the past, however the pace of globalization picked up rapidly during the fourth quarter of the twentieth century and right now it is unavoidable. Globalization right now cannot be stopped. Of course we could imagine some factors that would slow it down or even in critical situations hinder the process but from my perspective and also from what I have read in the past the result would be always highly negative. Globalization in its today’s form is more like a next step in evolution of the human civilization. We could always start a III world war or close our borders and let’s say shoot everyone on site who tries to enter or escape but by doing so we can only mean doing many steps back. I don’t mean here doing a one step back in order to make 2 steps ahead as the proverb says but virtually to go down the ladder of human civilization development by many hundreds of years back.
    Therefore as we know that globalization cannot be stopped and that it is not a new process we should come up with a conclusion that whatever it is (even if it might be true that right now it is somehow manipulated by some power groups around the world – just speculating) we should prepare ourselves for it in the best way possible in order to weaken its negative aspects and strengthen its positive ones. As from my perspective many of those that complain about the globalization not only do not understand it but also are not willing to adjust. Unfortunately in many situations they do not wish to adjust because of such factors as their national pride (not willing to work for a foreign company or thinking that their product, idea or culture is the best one even though it is not), culture or in many situations social acquiescence (in Poland we still have a lot problems with post socialist way of thinking – stealing, slacking off, thinking of the police as a oppressor) or simply because of pure laziness. Therefore I think that globalization is just like democracy an idea, a chance to make everything more equal and interdependent. Even though it might not seem nice and fair at times but just like we had to fight for democracy, for freedom with blood and sweat, and even though democracy is not an ideal political system – though the best of all – we have to fight (by working hard, competing but also getting to know different cultures and becoming more open minded that before) in order to use the globalization process for a good cause and make the best of it. Surrender and compliment is not an option.

  9. (1393.) Are you vege? No? But if you can read Polish, you may find interesting the interview in monthly magazine called VEGE (http://tiger.edu.pl/aktualnosci/2011/04/VEGE_kwiecien_2011.pdf) about the healthy style of life, sport, and good diet as well as about my globetrotting across the world and the thoughts running with me while jogging. And if you don’t speak Polish, just do enjoy the pictures – from Vietnam to Bolivia, from Nepal to Ethiopia, from Hungary to Djibouti…

  10. (1392.) Globalization:
    One feature of the global situation today is globalization, a term that has become habitual and there is no doubt that the food industry is an activity that has become globalized, like other industries. Today we can find a wide variety of foods in the stores, not only because of the large number of brands, packaging, sizes, shapes, but in regard to their origin. Food globalization, brings integration and diversity in food choices, so that consumers can easily find products from other countries (exotic fruits, vegetables, sauces, spices, etc.), And a set of ” new foods “that include everything from soft drinks to various types of snacks, cereals, or other non-traditional foods.

    Globalization has affected not only the structure and composition of meals, types of products consumed, to ways to preserve and cook, but to schedules and frequency of meals, the budgets invested, to board rules and values or jobs related to food practices, all this is a new food order

    Among the positive consequences that come with this globalization, the first is the immense possibility of elections of food for the consumer and, therefore, knowledge of new foods beneficial to health. Another is the knowledge of new food cultures that are inherently related to specific characteristics such as climate, beliefs, culture and even ideology of a region (cultural enrichment). But also talk about the negative consequences that can happen in a society unprepared to eat some kind of foods, mainly health problems such as obesity or overweight

    In the process of globalization of food, migration deserve special mention. The rapid growth of immigration has made changes in food and is promoting the fusion (though partial) of our food cultures with countries of origin of immigrants. Chinese and Italian food are a good example and have spread throughout the world following the trail of the emigrants from these countries. It would be nice also to highlight the role played by the franchise food to be produced this effect.

    Food, as an element of identity, is one of the cultural characteristics can be altered through contact with other cultural groups, although alimentation practices tend to have slow variations with respect to other elements of culture. Migratory movements and eating habits can observe the adaptation of an ethnic group to a new society and his ability to persist environment changes.

  11. (1391.) The rise of a global culture, the increase of migration flux and the multi countries economic associations led to a point that we more and more have an inter-dependant economies. The subprime crisis, the Greece and more recently the Japan disaster put in relief that a crisis, even in the other side of the planet can have huge consequences for the whole world. The use of complex production proceeses that involves numerous countries to cut costs via cheap labor or to produce high technology goods, the globalized market and the financial markets are involving the globalised world in a fragile whole, threatened by the butterfly effect.

    The example of the Greece crisis showed that other countries even have to bring financial support to solve the problems. The IMF and the Europeean Union developped a plan of 110 bilion euros used to solve that public debt crisis that was reaching 120% of their GDP. Many economists agreed that the crisis could spread to Portugal and Spain as their situation is fragile.

    Could we establish a link between the problems linked to the globalization and the recent rise of nationalist and extreme right partis in europe ?

    Acording to the survey recently conducted in France the intentions of vote for the nationalist major party would be 23% for the presidential elections. The Swedish parlement reached 5% for nationalists this year, a historical record. The extreme right reached a two digit score to the European elections of 2009 for seven countries (Holland, Belgium Danemark, Hungary, Austria Bulgaria and Italy) and revealed a 5 to 10% score in six other countries.

    Prehaps among our nations, population feels that they are paying for other countries. Those high results could be showing a protestation about different aspects of the globalization :
    The multiculturalism, acording to Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel and David Cameron resulted in a failure. That reveals that migrating population failed to integrate the origin populations, this is saw by many as a threat in national identity.
    Many businesses have been relocated in countries having cheaper labor costs and flexible laws, as a result unqualified workers found themselves unemployed. The national interests here again are said to be threatened. The economic growth and favorable context for emerging countries benefiting from the knowledge of those companies is also seen as a threat to national interests.
    The open borders in Europe are also seen as a threat by nationalists as population from merging countries can migrate and accept to work for cheaper, salaries and « taking the job » of national workers

    Going back to a nationaly oriented economy with lower import, few closed borders and a strong national culture seems difficult. It would probably lead to a massive recession as the international business wouldn’t be encouraged. Probably also huge social issues with the migrants that now are part of the population of those host countries. How could extreme right possibly improve the situation with those ideas ? The world seems to be going in the opposite direction.

  12. (1390.) Hi, I really want to join this place with my thoughts on globalization. Of course from a position of a young guy, living in CCE I have no other option then to be in favor of globalization. I benefit form it every single day. In my post I want to focus on a “new” trend in this process. Online social media. I believe it has a power to expand globalization, change the business world and the way we as humans interact. In the early days of “computerization” only 38% of Americans were online (1998). As for 2008 this number jumped to 75% and over 70mln social media websites users. Social media enables us to exchange information at any given time. How big power it has? Look at the time different social media needed to reach 50mln users: Radio 38 years, TV 13 years, Internet 4 years, Facebook reached 200mln in less than a year and it has over 600mln active users. Now a little bit of necessary facts: The average social media user creates 90 pieces of content per month , is connected to 80 pages and events and linked to 130 people on his website. Linkedin has over 90mln users connected worldwide and a new one joins every second. 80% of American companies use Linkedin as a recruitment tool. More videos are uploaded to Youtube in 60 days than 3 major American networks created in 60 years. Youtube receives over 2 billion views per day. Twitter has over 190mln users worldwide, there are over 600mln searches on twitter per day. Wikipedia supports 260 languages. That’s how big and powerful is social media. It not only changes the way people all over the world interact and communicate, it also gives billions access to knowledge and democratized information. Remember latest riot acts in Egypt? They were organized through Facebook. In other word social media helped (In a significant way) to change the world’s order and to take down few dictators. One of big advantages of social media is no barriers, linguistic, geographical, age, racial or educational. Everybody can share, receive, communicate. Now we have 2011, can you imagine world without all these platforms, forums, blogs? It’s part of our civilization achievement. Even more, it can “give” freedom in places where otherwise would be no hope for it. To summarize my post, I truly believe that we are witnessing a globalization revolution, new age of sharing wealth and knowledge, which is to be common.

  13. (1389.) Overpopulation, let’s talk about.

    It’s a condition where an organism’s numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat.

    Steve Jones said, “Humans are 10,000 times more common than we should be, according to the rules of the animal kingdom, and we have agriculture to thank for that. Without farming, the world population would probably have reached half a million by now.”

    It is the of agriculture that brought us here. But what do we do in a world, where the riches of our mother Earth are not available to its children? What if there is no more agriculture to support us anymore? Are the cloning of plants and genetically enhancing populations of seends will be enough? I think not.

    With all this positive vibe around improved travel, communication, international relationships, and a atate of relative peace regarding military operations, I believe we will enter a new era of hardship – lack of food on a global scale.

    Take for instance the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. It’s a secure seedbank located on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen near the town of Longyearbyen. The facility preserves a wide variety of plant seeds in an underground cavern. The seeds are duplicate samples, or “spare” copies, of seeds held in genebanks worldwide. The seed vault will provide insurance against the loss of seeds in genebanks, as well as a refuge for seeds in the case of large scale regional or global crises.

    This is already a sign that food shortage could hit future generations, and I think ours as well, we’re in for exciting times. In the next 100 to 200 years, with all the temperatures rising from global warming, causing erosion, expanding of desert lands, fires (crop crisis Russia in the summer of 2010) and climate anomalies, people need to start thinking about how much longer will many of us will be living in this land of plenty.

    There are so many people dying from hunger even as we speak, in India people are living in empty oil barrels and are get food off an income that is almost 2-3 dollars a month, and they have about 7-8 children.

    I could sound like a tyrant to many of this blog’s readers, but the Chinese government has a point. The one-child policy, in my opinion, was a necessary evil that will reduce the effects of world hunger in long run (This goes also for medical supplies, workforce market oversaturation etc.)

    I’m not saying that limiting the human species to one child per family is a good idea, because the minimum number for survival of the population in any animal kingdom is 2 – one for each of the parents.

    So here’s my proposition how to save our agriculture:
    It might be too harsh to talk about only 2 children per family, but it should be set as a global standard in suffering regions such as South and East Asia and Africa. And only families that are managing to secure proper food and shelter for two children and have extra disposable income should be allowed to have a third child.

    The fertility rate in Africa suggest that per woman there are on average about 7-8 children. I’m all for big happy families, but I would rather see a family with 2 children enjoying a comfortable, fulfiling life, rather than 8 thin, starving, sad people begging for mercy on the street.

  14. (1388.) It is not only my opinion that globalization is very closely related to innovation, but it is widely known that these two fascinating processes are intertwined. Both of them are moving at higher speeds than ever recorded in history. What we have to keep in mind is that not only these phenomena’s are growing in the developed countries, but all around the world – even in the developing nations. So what will happen to the people in the developed nations when the people from the developing countries catch up with knowledge and creativity? Could this be a major threat? If yes, two of those major threats to the most advanced economies in the world today are China and India. I definitely think that these countries can pose a threat, especially China for the US. Even the fact that China has bought so much of the US debt is scary.
    It seems as almost everything is starting to get outsourced around the world, and people are becoming afraid of it. All the CEO’s are worried about their brands. A great example is the automobile industry in the US, where all American car manufacturers encourage to “buy American”, and avoid companies such as Toyota or Honda. The important thing here is that they do not outsource just because they want to, they outsource to expand, grow, they outsource to win. None of the companies are outsourcing simply to save money. Americans are outsourcing everything these days, which dramatically boosts creative collaborations. We have doctors in Bangalore, India, reading and analyzing x-rays of American patients, all because of globalization.
    On another note, globalization brings along many threats. We have to remember that it is not only the software writers and doctors who use this global network to their advantage. Different terrorist networks had their doors open to put into life their very “innovative” ideas also. So we can see that globalization not only paved the way for people of goodwill to partake in this global phenomenon, but it also, unfortunately paved the way for the angry and frustrated groups of people out there.
    Overall, globalization primarily enables people to consume better goods at cheaper prices and in turn, enjoy their life a little more all thanks to advanced technology. It does not end here though, globalization might help to fulfill the other social and personal needs people also might have.

  15. (1387.) The past 30 years, China firmly pursued to reform and to open up, firmly grasped the development opportunities of economic globalization and achieved sustained and rapid economic growth.
    China has actively participated in regional economic cooperation in East Asia. China – ASEAN Free Trade Area’s building progress is continuously accelerating. Although as an agricultural country, China still implemented zero tariffs on some agricultural products from ASEAN countries.
    90% of the “Fortune” 500 has settled in China, many of them also set up R&D base as an important part of their global development strategy.
    China’s active participation in international work division, put together their own manufacturing capabilities with the Western developed countries’ capital and advanced management to promote the efficient allocation of global resources. Economic growth has further strengthened the development of the Chinese belief in pursuit of mutual benefit.
    China’s development is part of the world’s development. China’s development brings to the world continuously expanding cooperation.
    Observe things from different angles, the conclusion will be different. From a different angle to view China’s development, conclusion will also be different.
    Cheap Chinese products make consumers around the world joyful, but also cause some “economic patriots” having concerns for their own country’s related industries. In recent years, the trend is rising for trade protectionism and “anti-dumping” in some countries to the Chinese goods. However, people who focus on trade protection seem to ignore the basic fact that China is definitely not the only beneficiary of the growth of trade, multinational corporations and consumers around the world are also the greatest winners.
    In the era of economic globalization, structural adjustment and industrial transfer is a necessity to optimal allocation of resources. China has natural advantage to develop labor-intensive industries and some technology-intensive industries. Developed countries moved textiles, household appliances and other products to China is just a continuation of worldwide industrial restructuring for decades.
    At the same time when Chinese economy met the golden opportunity period, it was also in prominent contradictions. In harmonizing development of energy, ecological environment, economy and society, China is facing a host of new problems. If these problems cannot be effectively solved, China’s sustainable development will be out of the question, which is also not a good thing for the world.

  16. (1386.) The concept “Globalization” began to sweep the world since 20 century, and was a smash hit in 2000- 2001, this concept had appeared in many major newspaper in different countries frequently, but since the financial crisis in 2007, the major newspaper such as “The New York Time” and “Financial Time” were not using this concept that often anymore, it is fading away.
    Nowadays not a lot of people know what the origin of the word “Globalization” was. In 1970, the Italian radical left-wing underground publications “Sinistra Proletaria” published an article called “The globalization of capitalist society”, it was describing IBM as a self-contained system of organization and all their activities were for profits, meanwhile they were seeking to globalize all production processes. This article supposed that IBM was making production in 14 countries and sales in 109 countries which was “the globalization of capitalist imperialism”. This article got the earliest etymology of the word “Globalization”
    Since that time, this word began to be very popular, but in general it was a curse word. From 20 century to the early 21 century, broke up several series of anti-globalization protests, targeting the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Economic Forum and McDonald’s. s that time the view of globalization was: globalization is the ideal of ruling the world and exploitation to the poor by elite who support money and technology.  
    But after 21 century, the meaning of “Globalization” had some changes, it shifted to a semi-positive note, and the reason of the changes were because that a large part of winners of globalization included many fast-growing emerging market economies, and even some countries which were dubbed “underdeveloped” or “third world” were emerging and toward to the future global hegemonies. In addition, some previous critics had realized that closer ties between countries in the whole world could provide a way to address issues such as climate change, economic crisis, poverty and other global problems.
    Till 2011, anti-globalization arguments basically disappeared; globalization is no longer seen as a phenomenon which we have to resist or embrace, but it is seen as a basic feature of human history.

  17. (1385.) When it comes to the topic of the globalization we are usually thinking about its impact on the economic and politic life of the poor and newly industrialized countries. But how does the European Union adapt and stimulate its economy in order to fight with the international competition?
    The EU wants to keep control of its economy therefore the council negotiates multilaterally rules and policies. But the task becomes harder when you have to play with 3 combined factors: sustainable economic growth, environmental protection and social cohesion. Nowadays, to maintain a sustainable economic growth, I think the free trade agreements are the good path to follow to stimulate international relations and exchange. And what is the future of the relations with the North African countries such as Tunisia, Libya and Ivory Coast (world’s largest exporter of cacao)? Of course, given the current situation, it is still difficult to predict the future but for sure France which is a former colonial empire in this region is a key of the future success or failure…
    The EU is not only concerned about relations with close countries, because to be competitive you need as many partners as you can. For example, since the 90’s the EU expanded the trades and increased Foreign Direct Investment in MERCOSUR. There are two dangers. First, if there is creation of a free trade zone in the Americas and in the absence of an agreement similar with the EU, this would mean a significant fall in European exports. Second, 2011 will be an important year considering the electoral calendar. Haiti, Peru, Guatemala, Argentina and Nicaragua, five countries that will elect a president in 2011. A change in presidency can lead to a change in international exchange which will result in the same effect.
    Finally, there is an internal problem. We know that the couple France – Germany is driving the European economy but with the two last enlargements of the EU in 2004 and 2007, eleven states entered the union and Poland is one of them. I think the economic and social disparity is an obstacle to development and except a change in national and European regulations, I do not really know how the situation can be balanced between all member states…

  18. (1384.) Most people under the globalization understand the global integration of markets and households. This is a complex and versatile phenomenon associated with various aspects of life – from the global financial markets to increasing role of communications and the Internet.
    Globalization is characterized by the progressive transformation of the world space into one area where the capital, goods, services move without any difficulties, and where is the free flow of ideas, reassuring the development of modern institutions and mechanisms for their cooperation.
    Globalization – one of the key challenges for all developing countries at present time. We should admit that globalization has clearly changed the world system, creating new problems and open new possibilities. The main problems are that developing countries often lose or are threatened by the loss of not only their most important resources,but also the ability to reproduce them.
    I came from Belarus, that is why I would like to show what globalization means for my country. The belarusian economy, deeply involved into world economy,so acquires a growing dependency on world environment and national economies, their globalization and that is why interested not only in international financial and economic stability, but also watch carefully how the world changes.
    At each step of the historical development there is a gap between new goals and outdated structures. And every time the gap between new processes and old infrastructure will be recognized after some time, new ideas, suggestions will occurre. Administrative elite should give the answer for this process, should find the right decision and realize it in new circumstances. Before it was country or region, now is the whole world is involved.
    In Belarus there is an understanding that state area of economy is a life support system of the country and its citizens. With the help of social and organizational infrastructure as a foundation the private enterprise and households are built. Should be the balance between market and non-market economy. In terms of globalization reforms should have human dimension. Just following the law of profit maximization will lead to a deadlock.
    If people, countries and the world as a whole will seek the cooperation, globalization will bring only positive result.

  19. (1383.) When I think of the term globalization I instantly associate it with the Western countries. Yes, instead of all the developing countries which struggle their way through the process of globalization I cannot help not to focus my attention on the already developed ones. The first time I stumbled onto the phenomena of globalization was in high school while taking the course of World History. We talked about the end of the Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the potential future of the countries “behind the iron curtain”. Since I studied in Poland, the focus point of analyses was in fact on the country of Poland and its new path to development, which was to be inspired by the actions of the Western Powers.

    What does the idea of globalization mean to the countries like Poland? Is it really about global integration? Or perhaps it is about trying to measure up with the already developed countries? And to what extent some aspects of globalization are actually forced upon certain countries? There is some truth in every option, but in my opinion the most outstanding one is the matter of the forced aspects of globalization. For instance, the idea of European Union is considered to be a characteristic of globalization. Several developing economies joined the Union with hope to keep up with the leading Western Countries.

    EU has its laws; therefore member countries have to obey them. One of the laws states that several member countries are obliged to open its labor markets to developing economies like for instance Poland. Nowadays, Germany and Austria are ultimately obliged to open its borders to Polish workers, but the question is if the authorities of these two countries want to make this step or are they just being forced by the regulations of EU? All this boils down to their previous decision of joining the EU in the first place, but on the other hand should they be pushed towards this major change only because they are bound to the laws of EU?

    I think that globalization is an interesting phenomena, it has a lot of advantages for developing countries through FDI, technology access and information exchange. But then again, when I think about it, it seems that globalization sets some sort of dominance from the side of the developed countries and allows them to dictate the terms.

  20. (1382.) According to many, globalization which was supported and at the same time ran by most of national governments is what has shaped the world after the World War II. Through awareness, tourism, communication, and technology it has drastically changed for the better trade and all other sorts of economic activities such as investments. Globalization has led the world to a totally different, and sometimes difficult to understand state. I want to concentrate on the USA in this instance. Most Americans think that the cause of the rising gas prices is the unrest in the Middle Eastern countries and would be completely surprised that those factors do not in fact have much to do with it. The demand for oil has drastically increased worldwide over the past few years especially in countries like China and India. It is a simply case of supply and demand. The rising demand, along with investors who are looking for investment opportunities in commodities (such as oil), because the dollar is weak, is boosting the oil prices up. The oil prices are of course directly related to the gasoline prices. In fact, every $10 increase in the price of a barrel of oil results in a 25 cent increase per gallon at the gas stations.
    Thanks to globalization, there are much less trade barriers and a lot more innovation which in result makes international trade expand even faster than the GDP. This, in return helps to keep the prices of many goods fairly constant and at the same time improve quality. It is safe to say that for the USA and basically the top 10 richest countries in the world “globalization” is a positive buzz word. It is important to note that globalization is very controversial and most definitely, it spreads unevenly often leaving the developing countries on thin ice. As for the developed countries, globalization may also be a reason for some anxiety. Basically everything is becoming a huge world network by the use of outsourcing. This movement of moving not only factory, but also service work to other countries which do the same job for lower wages.
    An interesting thing in America is its culture, is it really American culture? Nowadays it is hard to find a native American in America! Though, Americans have a good gift of taking an idea, transforming it, and selling it again for more. For example, Walt Disney used Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens as his prototype for Disneyland or the fact that France and Italy were the largest move exporters around the world in the first two decades of the 20th century.

  21. (1381.) Even though globalization might seem somewhat new in meaning, it is a process which has been around for thousands of years. Even a long time ago people and corporations have been involved in trade between far distanced countries. One good example of this was in the Middle Ages when the Silk Road which ran across Central Asia to connect China and Europe. The fact today is that globalization is much “farther, faster, cheaper, and deeper,” as Thomas Friedman said. Innovation and technology has driven our society to enormous heights and it is in a way scary what will happen next.
    We live in a world where thanks to globalization and some other factors most of us take everything for granted. We get mad even if our phone takes longer than usual to send an SMS or an email, simply forgetting about the fact that it literally has to travel to space and back in order to do something like that for us. This is normal for us today, but when we look into the history, when people were happy if they could make a single call a day with their new dial phones (with the rotary dial), we simply seem egoistic.
    While globalization has opened many, many doors for a large number of people in the whole world, we have to stop and think if this is all going into the right direction in the long run. Maybe it would be better if we somehow moved back in time at least for a little bit. Maybe then, people would start to appreciate things a little more. We get upset and complain when our flight is delayed two hours and we have to sit at the airport in Chicago to go to Miami and get there in five hours instead of three. While many centuries ago, it literally took weeks to go the same exact distance.
    It is a little abstract that before, people had less and seemed to be more happy than now. Today, everything is amazing and nobody is happy. Globalization along with innovation are moving at such high speeds that we just take everything for granted and we feel that the world owes us all the pleasurable things that we have. Of course this is not the case all over the world, which touches another subject of the constantly growing gap between the rich and the poor. In some African countries for example, the situations described above of course do not take place.

  22. (1380.) Probably the first thing that bumps into our minds when we think of globalization as an on going process is whether or not it’s good for us? Since we’ve been integrating for ages and different cultures, economies, societies etc. have been interfering with each other for such a long time, we could say that globalization is something totally natural and its inevitable. But on the other hand we could see several situations in which globalization causes a negative reaction and is often seen as a threat to the society. No matter where we travel we could see that every country has its own traditions, culture and unique identity. Currently there are more and more countries that are becoming culturally diversified and are appreciating such state of being. This opens doors to interaction at the organizational level (schools, business, neighborhoods) which is definitely needed in order for tolerance to spread and grow. But again on the other hand we could see countries like France and the United Kingdom that are struggling with the muslim population which has gone a little out of control. In some schools in the UK the muslim society requested to change novels and books to readings of arabic origin. Which I think is showing disrespect to the host (UK) country. We could also take a look at the growing population of Polish people in the UK which are willing to work at a much lower price than the citizens of Great Britain and are taking work places for local citizens. Is this bad or is it good? Well unfortunately some individuals gain profits out of this state and others don’t. My point is that everything can be good and healthy for us but at a certain level. We let people migrate from one place to another and interact with each other but sometimes we forget about the conseqeunces if something goes wrong. A lot of governments have simply weak immigration policies or regulations and this later on contributes to such situations. My collegues from Nigeria are criticising the Western World for “invading” others and using there resources and using the destabilized situation for there profits. And to some extent I agree with them that this is unacceptable. But again whose there to blame? One country transforms a lot smoother than another and one struggles to create appropriate regulations and policies in order to protect itself from the “BIG FISH”. This shows us that every country has a lot to do on its own to protect itself from one another. Because even if we are all “citizens of the world” we must remember that one citizen may want to be stronger than the other…

  23. (1379.) The latest disaster in Japan is a big tragedy and humanitarian lost. Due to the consequences it caused, I have decided to take a closer look into nuclear power. Information from Poland reports that the government has plans to construct a nuclear power station. I have no doubt that this will give rise to a number of differing opinions (also because of the catastrophe in Czarnobyl).
    I think that nuclear power is the future for our World and a cheap electricity source for people. However, improvements have to be made, solutions proposed and decisions made globally because of the high risks it has for humanity. In each area of our developing World accidents occur. Ignoring such errors is a recipe for failure. By drawing conclusion from failures, we can reach perfection, for example by building modern and under full control nuclear power stations (in contrast with those in Czarnobyl) or through improving the technology in case of cataclysms. Building nuclear power stations on unstable geographical areas will be always linked to risks. This is why I think that we should avoid it. Poland is a safe place to possess a nuclear power station but people are afraid of change and new technologies. We should take the example of France which is a force in possessing nuclear powers. A suggestion is to join countries like France who have experience in nuclear powers, learn from them and start to take a step forward to a better alternative. If Poland accepts the risk of having a nuclear power station, then the government could sell its energy to other countries who do not agree to having one (Germany informed they will liquidate nuclear power stations in the country) or have smaller population (Lithuania, Latvia or Slovakia). For the part of the population who think nuclear powers is not one of the ways of a sustainable development, a solution would be the other way around- to buy the power from other countries. However, I think some things cannot be omitted and each country want to be independent and progress, instead of stagnation. No matter what the solutions are, nuclear power decisions should be made globally because of the global risk carried, and with cooperation with other countries we could reach better alternatives and innovations for a safer future.
    To summarize, globalization and cooperation gives us more possibilities and can be a result of great opportunities. By involving more countries in researches on innovation in the nuclear power area, we could be very successful and transform the way we live. Looking back in our history, before humans could use a fast and comfortable transport like planes, many accidents occurred. We learn from mistakes, and take lessons for a better developing future.

  24. (1378.) After Wednesday’s Globalization class and after reading February’s articles in Der Spiegel and Suddendeutsche Zeitung about fail of multiculturalism in Western Europe countries. Globalization brings many immigrants from all the sides of the world to Europe. Few questions appeared in my head. We were discussing the problem of Muslim woman being punished for wearing a veil in a public place, against the French law. The main question is should we still forbid Muslims to wear their traditional forms ? Muslims are the fastest growing population in Europe, this tendency is unavoidable, statistics show that Muslim families have more children than Christian or Atheistical ones, although they are even poorer. Muslims which had come from Asia and Africa to Europe are strongly attached to their religion, customs, language, but on the other hand they are supposed to convert their customs to current behaviors of the county they are coming in, and accept that some of their habit can offence others. Those ban can be also a way to integrate Muslims with other parts of society, by overcoming the barriers of prejudice.

    However let’s have a look at the demographic forecast for France and Germany in upcoming years. More Arabic children and more immigrants getting in, strong trend to secularization of the past Christian French society, with new Arabic immigrants bringing Islam instead. Growing amount of mosques and minarets is going to be nothing we can be shocked at. I am not going to be surprised if in upcoming years Arabic language will become official language and Islam a common religion in two mentioned countries. Nowadays it is a normal trend, Muslim society will be in majority in the near future not only in case of population but in politics also. Having this power, future politics can state that praying to Christian cross should be forbidden, as a wearing a veil on the streets. Looking at this speculation, I still hesitate whether the ban is a proper idea or not, especially among the countries promoting opened, liberal system freedom of beliefs.
    In my opinion it is too late to prevent the side effects islamization, expanding very fast in Europe, the only thing governments can do now is acceptation and toleration. Both things require changes in state systems, but should be implemented efficiently to improve cooperation between new European citizens. It will be very difficult to fight keeping borders. Upcoming globalized world will be totally different than existing one.

  25. (1377.) For (behind) the term ‘globalization’ hides changes in the global economy and in the society. In more blunt the meaning of globalization is based on the integration and interdependence among individuals globally acting, whether on a social, political or economic platform. The European Union today is a result of globalization. From the individual national economies of the world economy that is created, we can confidently talk about the globalization of the economy. The basic factors of globalization are: the global monetary system, development of structures of economic integration, the growth of multinational corporations, international companies. Globalization of economy has its advantages. The main one is to equalize opportunities among less affluent countries. This system is based on loyalty, because if the economy continues to grow at an appropriate rate will have “all” the benefits. In a greater or lesser extent, some countries will open their eyes to the problem of democracy. In my view, the joint action, such as the creation of multinational corporations may lead to the acquisition of both wild benefits. Unfortunately, there are also drawbacks. The world economy, I compare the domino effect. If we can feel the world economy, in that case our own economy will certainly receive a bigger shock. Earlier I mentioned the merging companies in the international corporation. It’s not as easy as we might think. These larger companies that can afford to develop that have adequate capital to really defend themselves with a steady hand. However, the company that we can include the following sectors: small or medium, in my view, will not pose competition to their richer rivals. The development of large companies is much more dynamic. Followed by some kind of expansion. They can afford to open their branches in new countries. In part, this way we can deal with monopolizm. When I think about monopolizm in Poland, the first company that comes to mind is Telekomunikacja Polska S. A. (Polish Telecom). I am very pleased that our market was open for new distributors of similar goods. Nowadays, each of us should have a choice of suppliers of goods. For a long period Polskie Koleje Państwowe S.A (Polish State Railways) also could not find a competitor. I could read it from the http://www.dziennikwschodni.pl company Deutsche Bahn Poland that is striving for a license with the Office for Railway Transport. I hope that we can somehow give back to the Germans after the opening of the borders (01/05/2011) for Polish citizens. http://www.twojaeuropa.pl portal as the announcement in Germany is missing about 3 million Polish specialists. I think that globalization is a development, though not always beneficial. In my opinions should agree to such a development and wait what will happen next. Because what the courage, when we will be in place.

  26. (1376.) Globalization is a magnificent thing that impresses people and scares them at the same time. What’s seems to be the problem in one country quickly becoming the problem of other countries’ and the whole world. Diseases, financial problems or illegal actions are worldwide. Spreading via internet, internationalization or people who travel since there is fewer boundaries nowadays. In my opinion the best thing in globalization is that we can learn from each other. Poor countries can watch and follow, in their own terms, the example of developed ones. People from different cultures can interact more and learn about new ways of life. We can try, taste, see and experience much more.
    The downside of globalization is dark and complicated. People and governments are standing in front of a problem. How guide what is wrong or right without limiting human rights and people freedom of choice. In Finland we are having a problem with illegal poker websites, which gain more and more favor among young people. Since internet is wide open finish government can’t really do anything about it.
    The other question everybody is asking right now is ‘Is Nokia really finish?’ And the answer is no. Because of the globalization the Finns’ proud (just after Finlandia Vodka) is becoming international or just Chinese. Nokia is taking work places out of Finland and creating them in less developed and cheaper countries. This tactic is very common in big organizations and has a good and a very bad side. I think it is a great thing that companies feel the social responsibility in the world and want to improve the market of poor countries. Still leaving finish workers unemployed is ethically wrong and usually reasons are purely financial.
    Scandinavia is one of the best places in the world in terms of citizens’ wellbeing and social security. But countries of Scandinavia don’t have oil or huge amount of people that are willing to work. The population is ageing and in the near future Finland will need more hands to work. Because of globalization people of Eastern Europe, Africa or Asia come to Scandinavia and offer their skills and abilities. So in a way globalization is making a lot of problems but in the end is also the only answer.

  27. (1375.) I start wondering if “globalization” is the only one to blame for all these things which are mentioned by some people on the blog. Let’s take an example of India and China – countries which were very poor during the colonial period and whose mutual relations suffered a setback due to political and boundary disputes. These Asian countries had their own strengths and weaknesses, their own cultural and political traditions but the history of disputes between India and China and problems which they had to struggle with, going back to times long before term globalization was even born. However, India and China were able to find a way to cooperate and learn from each other while competing for world markets and resources to re-emerge later in contemporary times as leading techno-economic nations..
    The Chinese economy has been growing at about 9-10% per year. China’s contribution to global GDP growth has been bigger than America’s. Moreover, Its massive build-up of American Treasury bonds has affected American interest rates and thus Americans’ willingness to spend. Its low-priced manufactures gave western consumers more buying power. Its entry to the World Trade Organization in 2001 has speeded up the opening of the world’s biggest market. India, on the other hand, is the most preferred destination of IT outsourcing. Its economic base is vast. It is projected to become one of the five largest economies in the world by 2050 along with China and Brazil. At the present rate of growth, the consumer in the two countries will reach about a billion people within the next decade. Add the fact that population in the western countries, excluding the USA, is declining, future of those giants looks bright. These developments have far-reaching implications for the rest of the world. The West has already become alarmist about what is happening there. Nobody likes loosing the power and instead of looking on own mistakes and look for solution, it is much easier to find some countries to blame for its own problems. In the United States many Americans see both India and China stealing American jobs – China stealing manufacturing jobs while India taking away IT jobs. China is rapidly developing its English and software development skills to compete with India in the American high-tech industry. There is huge competition globally for R&D money. Finding and hiring qualified scientists, engineers in the western countries is difficult and very expensive. India has an edge over China in attracting R&D investments due to the availability of more well-trained, English speaking scientists and engineers than in China. A high-tech company can hire an engineer in India at one-fourth the cost for a similar hire in North America.
    India and China such poor countries with stagnated economies managed in a short time to shit the political power. The case of those countries suggests several things for me. I mean there are countries on the world where globalization doesn’t exist and they still remain poor without prospects for better future. In my opinion, it’s impossible to all states and countries be more or less equal in economic terms. So the widening gap between the poor and the rich cannot be always applied to globalization. I think disparities are part of our history and part of human nature. Globalization should be more about worldwide systemic interdependence, integration, and redistribution of global resources that should lead to partial parity and equilibrium among the system members in due course of time. Problems, they may be due to long-standing historical and social factors, not exclusively to globalization, as some may think.

  28. (1374.) Impact of Globalization on Taiwanese economic development

    Taiwan used to be a obscure island, the level of GDP output was hard to measured. Everything changed when waves of Chinese migration coming from coastal areas of mainland China. In 1624, Dutch fleet occupied Taiwan as their oversea colony in the Far East. Under Dutch supervision, business model and activities shifted from self-sufficiency to trading oversea. For the very first time, there was foreign trade with the outside world in Taiwan. Historical remark of the 1860 event of Anglo-French Treaty of Tianjin; Taiwan was forced to open port. Trading objects moved from mainland China to a more international environment. During Japanese colonial period, the Japanese in Taiwan had laid a firm foundation for agricultural, industrial, transportation development. Under the Japanese control, Taiwan caught up its technology by learning from the western production model. Between 1960s and 1970s, the economy of Taiwan began to take-off. During the 1970s, there was the remarkable annual growth rate on economy of up to 10%. Many countries were amazed by the economic achievement of Taiwan. Many had claimed that it was for sure an economy miracle. In my opinion, the fast growing economy of Taiwan could be generally reasoned by joining the global market at the right time.
    Globalization has made a significant contribution to the economic growth of the called “NIEs.” NIEs stands for newly industrialized economics of East Asia. They include Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore. They have received a nickname of Four Little Asian Dragon in correlation to their outstanding sustainable economic growth over the last four decades.
    Each NIEs country has experienced great successes and some failures on its economy development in relation to the government policy. Take Taiwan for instance, “Taiwan was typical in demonstrating the value of the new market-oriented approach. in the period 1956-60, it abandoned most of the apparatus of the older development model and moved to market oriented policies.” Taiwan is an island in term of its geographical presentation on the map. Economic miracles happened on this land when Taiwan opened its door to the outside world. Without a doubt, globalization had given Taiwan an opportunity of mass manufacturing consumer goods on a global scale. Shortly after cancelation of martial law, Taiwan had centred its core industry around high-tech end products. Taiwan had always been known as trustful manufacturing country.
    For years, many international corporations all around the world had outsourced to, or directly invested production plant in Taiwan. By having a very rich knowledge about international trade and IT related industry; Taiwanese companies began to expand their products on the global market. HTC and ASUS are now well recognized on this competitive global market we have. Last year, HTC had on average price per share of 85 zloty. Globalization has lead to increase in real wages but it forced less-skilled industries to move to China. In general, Taiwan benefited from globalization but had also increase unemployment rate. It is interesting to observe how Taiwan is going to respond to the fast changing environment in the future and further strengthen its position on the global market.

  29. (1373.) What after the oil period? We have already been told its advantages, but aren’t there some drawbacks? The topic has been raised a few decades ago and everyone knows that energy and different objects made with oil are really polluting the planet. Indeed, oil is everywhere… In your car, in your television, in your computer, in the package that carries your meal and even in the pen you hold everyday to write. This issue has began to be even more binding when the first oil crisis started in 1973.
    Only a few years ago, some carmaker companies initiated the green movement and others have followed them since the crisis in 2008 – 2009. Electric cars and biofuel are now the most popular trends for green cars: greener energy, cheaper energy, less volatile prices than oil prices (for instance). Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks to this solution, the problem is that this is not as good as green movement, governments and companies may say. For example let’s take the alternatives to oil for cars; it is made from sugar cane, alga, beetroots or other vegetable raw materials. The answer to this problem raised is obvious, if carmaker companies use this type of energy, the simple offer and demand law will have an impact on the prices of vegetable used for this energy. So that not only citizens from developed countries will be affected, but also and even more, people from poor countries.
    A few years ago, a group of Italian scientists have discovered the way to replace oil in plastic devices such as packages or plastic bottles. This new plastic is made with corn. The results are quite impressive, after 30 days, the package reduces by twice and after 60 days, there is almost nothing. The biggest corn producers are the US and China (about 60% of the global production). Once again, it is about the simple offer and demand law. Some of these effects have already shown the impact on corn prices, from May 2010 to January 2011, prices have increased from 137€/ton to 229€/ton, mainly because of this new technology. The United-States had to buy Mexican corn, because they could not produce enough corn for this new demand.
    Regarding these figures, it is obvious that poor countries will be highly affected if energies are replaced by vegetable raw materials, but the global geopolitical map will be totally different, be cause the climate is not appropriate in poor countries. Middle East countries will not be as powerful as they were thanks to oil.

    I would like to ask you one question, dear Professor, do you think we will still be able to eat Fajitas in the future, because of corn prices?

  30. (1372.) Globalization as i heard, taught and learnt is a good thing which i can see, perceive and confirm the impact of it positively especially in telecommunication, business growth,internet, banking system,etc.
    Globalization unites and develops countries, fight racism as i heard but it occurs to me that these positive effect of globalization us for specific people and nations like the United State Of America and Europe.Asia is included because of its largest market in the world today but some Arab Nations and African Nations are not included in action wise except in theory wise.
    For instance, many of the resources Europeans use today is from Africa and Arab nations especially oil and crops but in most of these African countries it seems that there’s no much infrastructures for them to live with yet they don’t care. they are only concerned in what they have but if there is a leader or president of any African country that refuses to co operate fully with the American and European government they will look for something to criticize and crucify him.
    in the case of Libya and Egypt and some Arab countries where there is crises because of long term stay of the president. i’m surprise on how the United Nations will sponsor and support rebels to fight against the government. supplying them weapons which is very dangerous to fight with. my question is this…after the crisis how do they recover back all those weapons?
    i think is not possible to return them back rather they will use them to cause more trouble like stealing,raping and committing all sorts of atrocities.
    the lives lost on crisis can never be recovered and no money can bring them back. i realized that there are so many European countries that have long term presidents like these African and Arab nations and the united nations are not asking them to step down or supply any sophisticated weapon to rebels because they have no oil or benefit they can get from them.
    my question again is this….if globalisation is to increase growth, rebuild and unite nations for economic growth and human rights, how does this affect these countries where there is war and crisis positively? or are they not part of the globalization breeze that is blowing everywhere?

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